Hydrogen Strategy 2025: Recommendations for Pakistan

on 04/07/2024

Pakistan’s energy future faces several significant threats. The country’s over-reliance on fossil fuels has led to resource depletion, while inefficiencies and outdated technologies in the energy sector contribute to substantial wastage. Water scarcity hampers hydroelectric power generation. Additionally, a lack of investment in infrastructure and technology impedes the development of indigenous sustainable energy solutions. Carbon emissions further threaten exports, as international markets like the European Union may ban products produced using fossil fuels. Pakistan’s hydrogen energy strategy, set to be issued in 2025 by the Ministry of Planning and Special Initiatives (MoP&SI), will be crucial to address these challenges.
Many countries are striving to achieve the objective of establishing hydrogen as a prominent, carbon-free energy source. Over 20 countries, including Japan, the European Union (EU) member states, the United Kingdom, the United States, China, Japan, and India, have announced their national hydrogen strategies. The EU aims to decarbonize hard-to-electrify sectors and reduce carbon emissions by 2030-2050, emphasizing public-private partnerships and significant investments in hydrogen infrastructure. Similarly, the UK’s strategy targets a substantial hydrogen economy by 2050, with plans for residential heating and various transport applications. China’s strategy includes shifting from coal-based to renewables-based hydrogen production and expanding hydrogen infrastructure. India’s ambitious National Green Hydrogen Mission targets energy independence by 2047 and carbon neutrality by 2070, with substantial investments and incentives to promote green hydrogen production and usage across multiple sectors with a focus on exporting hydrogen to Europe, especially Germany. These comprehensive strategies reflect a global commitment to advancing hydrogen fuels as a way to combat climate change. Pakistan is set to issue its strategy by 2025.
Currently, hydrogen production in Pakistan is primarily used as a raw material in fertilizers, a reducing agent in refineries, and for cooling generators in power plants. The country’s hydrogen production methods include steam methane reforming, cracking, reforming, and electrolysis. The electrolysis of water for hydrogen production is specific to power plants only. The Pilot projects for hydrogen electrolysis at Ghazi Barotha Dam and Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park are planned for 2026 and 2028, respectively. Oracle Power Company has also initiated a project to produce green hydrogen and ammonia using wind and solar power in Jhimpir.
The current status of hydrogen energy in Pakistan shows promising developments and potential for growth. A pre-feasibility study by NEECA recommends exploring seasonal hydrogen production and storage in salt caverns. The interesting point was that hydrogen generation from solar energy was estimated to be expensive due to tariff structure while the world insists on solar hydrogen production being the cheapest. In a symposium by the Pakistan Academy of Engineering (PAE) on Nuclear Hydrogen, a Representative from Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission nuclear hydrogen option is more feasible in Pakistan. Though there is no project about soon.
Irrespective of Tariff structure, Pakistan has significant opportunities in the realm of green hydrogen energy, particularly due to its abundant solar, and wind potential. The geopolitical shift towards reducing reliance on imported resources in Europe and the US, and advancements in hydrogen technology, creates a favourable environment for Pakistan to harness its renewable energy resources for hydrogen production. Additionally, with the development of fourth-generation nuclear reactors, Pakistan could simultaneously produce hydrogen and power.
However, several challenges need to be addressed to realize this potential. The cost of production, particularly the high cost of PEM electrolysers, is a significant hurdle. Hydrogen storage also poses challenges, with various methods like compressed gas, liquified gas, metal hydrides, and underground storage each having their own costs and logistical issues. Infrastructure development for distribution requires substantial investment and planning. Additionally, ensuring the safety of hydrogen handling and storage necessitates a comprehensive regulatory framework. Finally, the availability of water, its salinity, and its conditioning cost pose a significant challenge to realise Pakistan’s potential for hydrogen production. Despite these challenges, the strategic exploitation of renewable energy sources could position Pakistan as a key player in the global hydrogen economy.
To harness the potential while addressing challenges, I have the following suggestions for MoP&SI’s consideration.
Utilizing Waste and Seawater: Given Pakistan’s expected water scarcity, hydrogen production should focus on the pyrolysis of municipal waste, plastics, and using seawater and wastewater.
Developing Local Manufacturing: Establish a solar panel manufacturing plant by 2032 and an PEM/AEM/ SOEC electrolyser plant by 2040, with potential collaboration with China for a 1000 MT/year dust-resistant solar panel production facility and polysilicon production using local resources. Invest in developing local technologies for hydrogen production from water, waste, and biomass to promote a knowledge-based economy and job creation.
Private Sector Engagement: Encourage public-private partnerships to fund and bring expertise to the hydrogen industry.
Investing in a Hydrogen Centre: Create an engineering design and R&D centre focused on cost-effective hydrogen production, storage, and transportation, and study the compatibility of existing infrastructure like natural gas pipelines. Use effective Monitoring and evaluation Learning mechanisms for the improvement of service.
Substituting Imported Fuels: Focus on replacing methane with hydrogen in fertilizer production and developing hydrogen and coal-based power generation.
International Collaboration and Funding: Leverage Pakistan’s relationship with China under CPEC for mutually beneficial hydrogen projects and explore using nuclear energy for hydrogen production.
Exporting Hydrogen: Position Pakistan as a hydrogen exporter to Europe, negotiating investments in local manufacturing and renewable technologies in exchange for reliable and cost-effective hydrogen supplies. Consider collaboration with Germany for high-efficiency solar panels and human resource development.

Sales Blog for Young Engineers and Entrepreneurs How to succeed against tough competitors

on 04/07/2024

A big shot is a little shot that keeps on shooting, albeit differently!
In the electrifying world of sales, where every pitch is a battle and every client is a prize, there is a legend about a young and ambitious salesperson named Junaid. Working for a company that provided turn key energy solutions, Junaid faced massive competition from industry giants. Guided by his wise mentor and armed with newfound strategies learnt at IBA Karachi, Junaid faced his adversaries and achieved his due share of success. Here’s his captivating journey, broken down into adrenaline-pumping steps:
The golden rule:Respect your competitors
Junaid’s mentor, Mr. Nadeem, dropped a bombshell of wisdom: “Respect your competitors, always. Speaking ill of them makes you look weak and insecure.” Fired up with this revelation, Junaid spoke only of his products’ strengths, never badmouthing the competition. This built an ironclad trust and a dazzling reputation with clients.
Become a super-detective
Junaid transformed into a super-spy! He gathered every bit of intel about his competitors—their products, strengths, and weaknesses. He hanged around trade shows, devoured industry reports, and stayed on the cutting edge of their updates. This treasure trove of knowledge made his sales pitches top of the line, always spotlighting the killer benefits of his own products.
Unveil their secrets
Junaid didn’t stop at just knowing the competition—he dissected their uniqueness! He tested their equipment and decoded their marketing magic. During his electrifying presentations, he made genuine, jaw-dropping comparisons that left clients breathless and impressed with his expertise.
Outwork everyone: no pain, no gain
Mr. Nadeem’s mantra was, “There’s no substitute for hard work. Outwork everyone!” Junaid embraced this with all his might. He prepared like a warrior for every sales duel, knowing that relentless hard work would trounce mere luck. After all, sales is a battlefield of nerves, not a game of chance!
Turn competitors’ customers into your allies
Junaid had an out of box plan: visit competitors’ customers regularly. With charm and impeccable politeness, he opened new doors. He respected their choices but revealed his superior services and unique features. This courageous strategy intrigued and won over many, shifting them to Junaid’s camp!
Learn, adapt, and conquer
Junaid was a relentless learner. He studied competitors’ sales tactics, observed how they handled objections, and mastered their closing deals. By absorbing these lessons, he refined his own techniques, always staying a leap ahead.
Innovate or perish
Junaid embraced innovation like a superhero. He relentlessly adapted and improved his offerings, keeping his customers thrilled and attracting new ones through referrals and word of mouth.
The staggering triumph: Junaid’s success
With wisdom, diligence, and an indomitable spirit, Junaid’s sales numbers exploded. He proved that integrity, knowledge, hard work, love and respect are invincible weapons against even the fiercest competitors.
Tragically, Junaid’s heroic journey was cut short by a road accident while he was visiting a customer—a stark reminder of life’s unpredictability. Yet, his legacy blazes on, a beacon of inspiration. Young engineers and entrepreneurs can learn from Junaid’s battle-hardened strategies: true greatness is within reach if you combine relentless hard work, shrewd strategy, and unwavering respect for others.
The ultimate lesson
In the high-stakes world of sales and business, success isn’t about crushing the competition. It’s about perpetual learning, relentless effort, and treating everyone with respect and dignity, including competitors. Aspire to operate from a higher plane, guided by the integrity and tenacity that Junaid embodied.

The Future of Renewable Energy: Trends and Innovations in Sustainable Engineering

on 04/07/2024

The field of sustainable engineering is characterized by dynamic developments and inventive techniques that will determine the next generation of renewable energy. Renewable energy sources are essential to changing the world’s energy landscape as concerns about environmental sustainability and climate change grow. In this field, solar power stands out as a major participant because of the ongoing improvements in photovoltaic technology, which lead to higher affordability and efficiency. New developments in solar energy, such as solar paint and next-generation solar panels, have the potential to increase solar power’s accessibility and range. Another important component of renewable energy is wind power, which is becoming more and more efficient because to continuous advancements in wind turbine technology. Using greater strength and more reliable winds over open waters, offshore wind farms in particular have become more and more popular. A state-of-the-art invention that allows for installations in deeper offshore sites is the floating wind turbine, which increases the potential of wind energy even more. These developments highlight the possibility of wind energy to play a significant role in the development of sustainable energy systems in the future.
For renewable energy sources to be dependable and stable, energy storage is essential. Modern energy storage technologies, like grid-scale storage options and better batteries, address the sporadic nature of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. Building a robust and adaptable energy infrastructure that can successfully balance supply and demand requires the development of high-capacity, reasonably priced energy storage devices. A revolutionary development in sustainable engineering is the use of smart grids and sophisticated grid management systems. In order to improve grid stability, optimize energy distribution, and incorporate a variety of renewable energy sources, these systems make use of digital technology, networks for communication, and data analytics. Real-time tracking and management are made possible by smart grids, which improves demand responsiveness, energy conservation, and overall system resilience. The decentralized and fluctuating nature of renewable energy requires the incorporation of smart grid technologies.
Building design and operation, transportation, and industrial operations are all impacted by the idea of energy efficiency, which is a cornerstone of sustainable engineering. A few examples of developments promoting energy conservation in the built environment are smart building management systems, energy-saving lighting networks, and solar technology integrated into buildings. Carbon emissions are decreased and environmentally friendly mobility is promoted by sustainable transportation options, such as electric cars and state-of-the-art public transit systems. Bioenergy is a flexible and renewable resource in the field of sustainable engineering. The organic materials known as biomass, which includes forestry waste and agricultural wastes, can be processed to create biogas, biofuels, and other sustainable energy sources. The creation of sophisticated methods for producing biofuels, such as biofuels derived from algae and crops genetically modified to produce large amounts of energy, is referred to as bioenergy innovation. These methods add to an energy portfolio that is more sustainable and diversified.
An developed renewable energy source, hydropower is still being improved upon to maximize its efficiency and reduce its negative environmental effects. Hydropower innovations of the future, such fish-friendly hydroelectric systems and creative turbine designs, are designed to maximize power production while addressing environmental issues. Hydropower becomes even more of a dependable and sustainable energy source when combined with other renewable energy sources in hybrid systems. With its ability to extract heat from the Earth’s interior, geothermal energy presents unexplored possibilities for sustainable engineering. By building man-made reservoirs for the extraction of heat, enhanced geothermal system (EGS) innovations seek to extend the geographic reach of geothermal power. Furthermore, the development of power plants with binary cycles and conventional applications has increased the viability of geothermal energy for the production of electricity and heating directly in a variety of businesses.
New developments in ocean energy technology provide up new possibilities for environmentally friendly engineering solutions. Ocean thermal energy conversion systems, wave energy, and tidal energy are gaining popularity because they can be used to tap into the enormous energy reserves found in the oceans. Continuous advancements in marine energy technology aim to surmount technical obstacles and render these oceanic energy sources financially feasible as part of the mix of renewable energy sources. Circular economy concepts are becoming more and more popular in the wider context of sustainable engineering. Circular economy strategies encourage recycling, material reuse, and a decrease in overall consumption with the goal of minimizing waste and maximizing resource utilization. Through the creation of a closed-loop system that reduces environmental impact and maximizes resource efficiency, the incorporation of circular economy ideas into engineering processes promotes sustainability.
Technology advancement, legal frameworks, community involvement, and sustainable engineering techniques will all interact dynamically to shape the future of renewable energy. A world where environmentally friendly energy systems are essential to tackling issues like climate change and the sustainability of energy is being shaped by the continuous development of solar and wind technologies, improvements in storage for energy and grid management, research of a variety of renewable resources, and incorporation of circular economy principles.

QUEST, University of Oradea join hands for scientific research, mobility of researchers, students

on 04/07/2024

Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology (QUEST), Nawabshah and the University of Oradea (UO), Romania have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for scientific research, mobility of academic staff and researchers and students and sharing of know-how about high, complex technical-scientific sets.
The document signed by Prof. Dr. Constantin BUNGAU, Rector of the University of Oradea, and Prof. Dr. Saleem Raza Samo, Vice Chancellor of QUEST, Nawabshah says the purpose of the agreement is to engage in joint academic cooperation in a variety of activities. They include: Scientific research, Educational activities in subjects of common interest, Mobility of academic staff and researchers, Mobility of students and doctoral candidates for academic activities to be recognized
through a procedure jointly agreed by the Parties, Exchange of information and bibliographic materials, sharing of know-how about high, complex technical-scientific sets, higher education extension activities, including the mobility of technical, administrative, and librarian staff connected to these goals, and participation in seminars and academic meetings.
Other articles of the documents are as under:
Article II: Implementation
Should the implementation of the previous article require an agreement between the Parties or
the provision of financial resources, the Parties shall develop specific projects and working plans
to be formalized in appropriate Addenda connected to this Memorandum. Thee Addenda shall
specify the funds necessary for the implementation of the foreseen activities.
The Addenda specified in this Article shall respect the following minimum requirements:
Goals to achieve, Identification and description of the activities to implement, Timetable and implementation stages, Identification of available funds and foreseen costs and Plan for the use of the financial resources.
Article III: Selection criteria
Participants in the activities foreseen in this Memorandum will be selected on the basis of merit
without regard to race, national or ethnic origin, religion, color, age, gender, marital status,
physical disabilities, or sexual orientation. Each Party shall accept the participants selected by the
other Party if mutually acceptable academic and/or professional qualifications and standards are
Article IV: Coordination and monitoring
In order to coordinate and monitor the jointly agreed activities, each University shall appoint its
own representatives depending on the specific fields concerned.
Article V: Intellectual property
The intellectual property rights arising from the activities realized in the framework of this
The memorandum belongs to both Parties. Publications shall mention this origin. For the activities
which might produce outcomes with economic effects, the Parties shall jointly arrange the
property rights and their protection according to their own rules.
Article VI: Resolution of disputes
The Parties shall commit to solving any dispute connected to the interpretation or
implementation of this Memorandum through negotiation. When a jointly agreed solution cannot
be achieved, the disputes shall be submitted to the un appealable decision of an ad hoc Arbitration
panel composed by three members. Each Party shall appoint one member. The two appointed
members shall jointly appoint the third member with the role of chairperson.
Article VII: Coming into force and term
This Memorandum shall be effective as of the latest signature date below and shall remain in force
for a period of five (5) years following this date (June 28, 2024), unless written notice is given by either Party. The notice shall take effect three months after the date of notification to the other Party. Nevertheless, the activities in progress in the framework of this Memorandum shall not be compromised by the notice and shall be normally concluded.

330 bpd oil, 7.7 MMSCF gas increased from Nashpa-4

on 04/07/2024

Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) has successfully revitalized production from Nashpa-4 located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, resulting in enhanced production from the well.
The listed company shared the development in its notice to the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) on Monday.
“We are pleased to announce that Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) has successfully revitalized Nashpa-4 well,” said the company in its notice.
OGDC stated that the well was re-evaluated for the potential of the upper zone of the Lockhart formation, resulting in an increase of 330 barrels per day (bpd) of oil and 7.7 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCF) of gas at a wellhead flowing pressure (WHFP) of 1570 PSI.
Additionally, 21 metric tons per day (MT) of LPG is being recovered, it added.
PPL sees significant boost in oil & gas production
“The gas is now being injected into the SNGPL network,” said the company.
Nashpa-4 well is situated within the Nashpa Development and Production Lease (D&PL) in the Karak district of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
Nashpa D&PL operates under a joint venture, wherein OGDCL as operator, possessing a 56.45% stake, alongside Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) with a 28.55% share, and Government Holding Private Limited (GHPL) holds 15% share.
Back in May, OGDC registered a significant increase in oil production from Nashpa Well-10 in Nashpa Development and Production Lease (D&PL).
OGDC is the largest exploration and production (E&P) company in Pakistan with operations including exploration, drilling operation services, production, reservoir management, and engineering support.
The company has the most extensive exploration acreage in Pakistan, covering over 40% of the country’s total acreage awarded with net hydrocarbons of oil and gas.
For the first six months of the financial year 2023-24, the company reported a PAT of Rs123.3 billion, up 30% as compared to Rs95.01 billion in same period last year.
The market capitalisation of OGDC at the PSX stands at $2.15 billion.