BEF concerned over ignoring Balochistan

on 03/04/2019

Commenting on JS Bank-UNDP MoU to enhance youth empowerment in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh, President Balochistan Economic Forum (BEF) Sardar Shoukat Popalzai has expressed his deep concern on ignoring youth of Balochistan, who he says are as dynamic and educated as those from other provinces of Pakistan.
He said the youth of Balochistan deserve more attention if national and international institutions want to see micro level Socio-economic development in the province.
The commercial institutions like banks should draw strategy which should include national interests and balance among federating units of the country.
He has impressed upon UNDP and JS Bank to include the province of Balochistan in the program for youth empowerment hence motivating micro-entrepreneurs for putting their share in the development of the country and the province.
He also expressed his concern about the seriousness of federal and provincial governments who do not monitor such agreements.
Mr. Popalzai also criticized the national and provincial leadership for not engaging in such activities in the interest of the province. – Monitoring Desk