Best Electric Panels: a trusted manufacturer, supplier of cutting-edge automation, controls solutions!

Acting focused year by year, as a unified team based on passion and confidence, we managed to show that beyond the efficient technical solutions we can develop the ideal performance to customer requests.
BEST ELECTRIC PANELS is an ISO 9001:2008 certified Pakistan-based company established in Hyderabad to meet the growing demand in the oil&gas, industrial and construction sectors in the most appropriate and efficient manner in Pakistan. Since 1992 we have developed into a professionally managed company committed to providing quality products and services in the field of switchgear. From day one the mission of the company is to deliver to customers quality, reliability, & dependability of the finest and top-quality switchgear.
Today, BEST ELECTRIC PANELS operates from multiple facilities. Our engineers and technicians are designing, assembling and commissioning switchgear as well as providing maintenance and repair services for all the company products.
Mission and Vision
To strengthen the company’s ability in all and every aspect such as productivity, competition, efficiency, profit, and prosperity. BEST missions and visions are as follows,
 To make BEST a brand image both in the national and international market.
 To pursue and maintain the highest quality products.
 To increase the prosperity of employees and shareholders.
 To conduct business in ethical manners.
 To improve the product’s technology, to promote and boost the product’s performance.
 To continuously increase products and service qualities.
 To expand and enlarge the market’s potential.
 To compete in a healthy and professional manner.
Being the leading supplier of choice for the design, manufacturing, and maintenance of indoor and outdoor low voltage distribution is our top priority. From the very beginning, the company’s expertise lay in understanding industrial processes in their entirety. Now we are providing services of designing highly specified automation and control solutions for repair and renovation as well as new installations. The company focuses on searching for and examining the latest technologies from around the world, Facilities for bulk storage of products and components to service the immediate needs of the customers are a major element of the infrastructure.
BEST ELECTRIC PANELS has the ISO 9001:2008 and Pakistan Standard Quality Control certification, our high-quality standard is taking care of 100% customer satisfaction. Every stage of manufacturing contributes significantly to the company’s goal of having delighted customers. We consistently maintain our consumers’ faith in us. The BEST ELECTRIC PANELS has carved a leading position as a trusted manufacturer and supplier of cutting-edge automation and controls solutions, a success that can be put down to continuous effort to identify and develop the very latest technologies from around the world and offer unique design solutions backed by high-quality service. We will offer do our best quality and reasonable price for the customers who use our products frequently and promise to manufacture the best products. BEST ELECTRIC PANELS bids and manages contractor works. It provides ongoing technical support, maintenance, and post-warranty.
Major Facilities
BEST ELECTRIC PANELS manufactures top-quality electric panels & switchgear. During manufacturing we adopt modern technology to ensure durability, and reliability under strict quality control, like raw material inward, fabrication of sheet metal enclosures, powder coating paint, assembling, panel internal wiring, routine test, and inspection. Our facilities are listed below,
 Cutting Shop
 Bending Shop
 Stamping Shop
 Welding Shop
 Paint Shop
 Assembling Shop
 Wiring Shop
The company manufactures low voltage electrical equipment that are listed below,
 LT Panels Power Factor Improvement Panel (PFI Panel)
 Feeder Pillars
 Main Distribution Board (MDB)
 Power Distribution Board (PDB)
 Light Distribution Board (LDB)
 Bus Tie Duct,
 Load Take Off Panel
 Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS Panel)
 Automatic Mains Failure (AMF Panel)
 Synchronizing Panel
 PLC Automation Panel
 Soft Starter Panel
 VFD Panel
 Motor Control Centre (MCC)
 Desk Panel
 Automatic Star Delta Panel (ASD)
 Director On-Line Panel (DOL)
 KWH Meter Panel
 Street Lighting Control Panels
 Stainless Steel Panel
 Floor Box
 Pull Box
 Fire Box
 Door Phone Box
 Cable Tray
 Cable Ladder
 Structure & Tubular Pole
After Sales
Service after sales is our top priority and we always adhere to this principle very strictly to have the utmost satisfaction of the customer. We are a leading provider of top-class solutions for Switchgear with over30 years of experience in the field.
Owners Message
The secret behind many successful start-up companies is being in the right place at the right time, and that is certainly true for BEST ELECTRIC PANELS

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