Registered engineers to become professional engineersHow Pes can benefit from PEC Management Committee Decision

As per the PEC Act and Bylaws, there are distinct differences between a Registered Engineer (R.E) and a Professional Engineer (P.E) that impact their responsibilities, scope of work, and qualifications.
Registered Engineer vs Professional Engineer
A Registered Engineer (RE) is an engineer who meets the educational requirements and is registered with the PEC. On the other hand, a Professional Engineer (PE) is an engineer who has not only met the educational requirements but also has the necessary experience and has qualified for the Engineering Practice Examination (EPE).
Responsibilities and Scope of Work
Registered Engineers can perform general engineering duties such as design, supervision, and execution of engineering projects, but only under the guidance of a Professional Engineer.
Professional Engineers can independently undertake the design, supervision, and execution of engineering projects, as well as provide professional engineering services to the public.
Signing Authority
Registered Engineers can sign and seal engineering drawings and documents, but only under the supervision of a Professional Engineer.
Professional Engineers can independently sign and seal engineering drawings and documents, taking full responsibility for the work.
Registered Engineers hold a bachelor’s degree in engineering from a PEC-accredited university or institution.
Professional Engineers hold a bachelor’s degree in engineering from a PEC-accredited university or institution and have a minimum of 5 years of experience after registration as an RE in PEC, with at least 17 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points, and have qualified the EPE examination.
Professional Title
Registered Engineers are entitled to use the title “Registered Engineer” or the abbreviation “R.E.”
Professional Engineers are entitled to use the title “Professional Engineer” or the abbreviation “P.E.”
PEC Management Committee Decision
The good news for Registered Engineers is that the PEC Management Committee has decided that engineers registered with the PEC before 15th January 2008 are eligible to apply through the PEC website for the title of “Professional Engineer” and are exempt from the EPE requirement. These engineers will only be required to go through an interview process in their relevant field.
This decision by the PEC Management Committee presents an excellent opportunity for Registered Engineers who were registered before the specified date to upgrade their professional status and take advantage of the benefits associated with the Professional Engineer title. By applying for the Professional Engineer designation, these REs can expand their scope of work, sign off on engineering projects independently, and enhance their career prospects.

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