Engineers Road Map to Success By Engr. Haider Javed

on 02/02/2023

Engineering psychology is moving towards complexity as deprivation is prevailing day by day. Critical observations may reveal the core issues and reasons behind the lack of opportunities and biased behavior toward the engineers of Pakistan. The main factor responsible for the increase in unemployment is the unbalanced demand and supply of engineers, demand by the industry and other private/public engineering sector employers, and supply from the institutions. Most engineers are unemployed and a significant number of engineers are working underpaid. The other main issue is that our institutions produce engineers, majorly of which are unemployable and their knowledge lags practicality far behind. That is why most public and private employers abuse their powers against the prestige of young engineers of Pakistan and the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is adding fuel to fire. Further, the expenses for study in any engineering field are beyond the limits of a common man. Even the dues for the government universities are not in the budget for a common man. Some of the bright students are not able to even afford the horrendous application fees of universities and this is a tragic moment for us that most of the students are out of competition as they cannot afford the entry-level examination. In other words, we are depicting that no matter what the talent is, the only thing that matters is just your financial background. After these hurdles, if someone is lucky enough to get through the admission protocols by sacrificing their last penny just for the sake of education, are getting a major disappointment after completing the four-year educational program.
Today we have to take a pause and rethink where we are heading. Now is the prime time when engineers have to be united just for the sake of this noble profession, we as an engineer should share our experiences and make an effective chain that will raise engineers’ prestige again. Every profession is united at some platform then what is the problem with engineers? This is the need of the hour to address the real and core issues of Young engineers in Pakistan. We should equip ourselves with the relevant knowledge that may help us to excel in our respective fields. Pakistan Engineering Council should take some decisive steps to regulate institutions, their fee structures, and all other engineering sectors accordingly as per their originality, hence on top priority, PEC by itself should be restored to its original functionality in order to initialize the whole process of rectification. But above all, we should start this process of rectification by ourselves. Unfortunately, we are lagging in the professional world and self-grooming, so we have to demolish this resistance through our marginal, ensuing, and constructive perspectives and should work sincerely and smartly for the growth and professional development of our young engineering community of Pakistan. Soon the Ray of Hope will make our helmets shine again, we just have to believe in ourselves and try to eliminate the polluted politics from the engineering community. Because we are here to serve humanity and this noble profession.
YES: We can take care of the profession we believe in!
(The writer is President Y-PEG Engineers Club)n