EU funded the CBHE CATCH_VR Project Progress Meeting 1st Training Workshop at University of Oradea

The meeting began with a warm welcome note from Prof Radu Tarca, Principal Coordinator of the CATCH_VR project at the University of Oradea, Romania. An address by Prof Sanda Monica Filip, Pro-Rector of Research at the University of Oradea followed this. In his appreciating note, Prof Dr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry, Project Coordinator, thanked the University of Oradea for hosting the four-day event and highlighted the significance of the CATCH_VR project and the agenda for the project progress meeting. The aim of the “CApacity building in TeaCHing of AR/VR (CATCH_VR)” project is to enhance the capacity of higher education institutions through Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) using Digital Twining with a consortium of several educational institutions from Europe and Asia focusing on Graduate Engineering Education. The project involves a participatory learning approach, with a strong emphasis on practical demonstrations and hands-on experience with physical equipment and digital twins, which promises to be an exciting and engaging part of the project. The meeting also reviewed working on various committees for the work packages and user requirement analysis and finalizing the deliverables D1.1, D6.7, and D6.9. There has been a detailed discussion on Curriculum Development. The training workshop focused on the latest trends in AR/VR technologies, leading towards Digital Twin.
All partner universities from Pakistan, including MUET, QUEST, GIKI, and UET Peshawar, participated physically. Associate partners Rastek Technologies and Engineering Review participated online. European partner universities, including the University of Limerick, Ireland, University College Cork, Ireland, and the University of Oradea, Romania, participated physically, and Technical University Sophia, Bulgaria, participated online.

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