UMA, MUET and SSUET jointly achieve another milestone by Organizing Second Edition of
“Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication (GCWOC’17)”
at University of Malaga, Spain
GCWOC’17 was jointly organized by University of Malaga (UMA) Spain, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET), Jamshoro, Pakistan and Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET) Karachi, Pakistan with travel grant sponsorship support for Pakistani researchers by Higher Education Commission

of Pakistan. The same troika of UMA, MUET and SSUET is successfully running International European Commission Credit Mobility Programs under Erasmus Plus.
GCWOC (Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication) is an International forum for researchers to exchange information regarding novel aspects of technology, application and service development within the multidisciplinary framework of Wireless and Optical Communication Technologies. GCWOC aims to facilitate a creative environment for the promotion of collaboration and knowledge transfer.
The event was held in Malaga (Spain) on September 18th to 20th, 2017 at University of Malaga by making it part of HEC 15-Years Celebrations with main slogan “Knowledge economy imperative for development”. MUET and SSUET took lead in celebrating 15-years of HEC by organizing the event in Spain.

The conference was chaired by Prof Rd. Javier Pocola, University of Malaga and Prof. Dr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry, Professor & Dean Faculty of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering at MUET. The Technical Program Committee (TPC) was chaired by Prof Dr. Pablo Otero Roth, University of Malaga and Dr. Muhammad Aamir, Chairman Telecommunication Engineering at SSUET. The presence of Prof. Ramjee Prasad (Founder President, CTIF GLOBAL CAPSULE, and Aarhus University Denmark) and Prof. M. Aslam Uqaili (Vice Chancellor MUET) including three high quality keynotes lectures had enhanced the impact of GCWOC’17.
The conference program included six (6) technical sessions. Each technical session was chaired by renowned professors from universities of 04 different countries. The Technical program committee accepted only 48 papers out of 132 submissions after thorough peer reviews. Presented papers covered wide variety of research area including signal processing, Energy efficiency and power management system, Smart and mobile antennas, Circuit design for wireless systems, Wireless sensor networks, Wireless Security, Industrial applications, Optical signal processing, Optical sensors, Photonic communications system, High-speed optical communications systems and devices, Coding techniques, Optical networks etc.
These papers represented authors from Germany, Pakistan, China, Malaysia, Spain, UK, Ireland, Italy, Finland, USA, Canada, Tunisia, India, Saudi Arabia, UK, Poland, Denmark and Korea. Accepted and presented papers will be submitted for publication in Springer’s Journal (an impact factor journal) on Wireless Personal Communication which is abstracted/indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, Academic OneFile, ACM Digital Library, Computer Science Index, CSA Environmental Sciences, Current Contents Collections / Electronics & Telecommunications Collection, EI-Compendex, Expanded Academic, OCLC, PASCAL, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest.
The closing address was delivered by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam Uqaili. He acknowledged all the organizers, keynote speakers and participants. He hoped that the participants will share their experience with others and further strengthen the relationship with GCWOC. He was also thankful to all the sponsors of this conference i.e. University of Malaga, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology and Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology. He also invited all the participants in the next edition of GCWOC 2018 which will be held at the same venue i.e. University of Malaga, Spain.

At the end of the GCWOC’17 Conference, Dr. Aslam Uqaili, Dr. B.S. Chowdhry and Dr. Muhammad Aamir presented souvenirs to organizers of the conference from MUET and SSUET respectively. After the Conference on 21st September, the University of Malaga arranged a complementary guided tour of famous historical city of Muslims Empire “Cordoba” which was enjoyed by all participants.