HVACR Lahore chief interviewed HVACR increasing in Pakistan

hvac-1Volume of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) sector business has, over time, increased tremendously in the world and Pakistan. One can assess the growth by counting the firms and people directly involved in manufacturing and importing HVACR equipment, said Engr. Safdar Ali Mughal, Chairman Lahore Chapter of Pakistan HVACR Society talking with Engineering Review.

In Pakistan local manufacturing, marketing, installations and after sale services in the sector are also increasing, he added. Pakistan HVACR Society has three full fledged chapters of ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Engineers). Over 1,500 members of Pakistan HVACR Society are also ASHRAE members. Pakistan HVACR Society is organizing 21st HVACR Exhibition and Conference at Expo Center Lahore from April 03 to 05, 2014. The exhibition is of great importance for all members of HVACR sector in Pakistan.

It lets manufacturers and businessmen in the sector mingle with experts and seniors to learn from their experiences and know the latest developments and technologies being introduced around the globe by various companies. Pakistani and foreign companies would exhibit their products here, while vendors and service providers will exhibit their skills for installation and after sales support to consultants and other visitors of the exhibition, an annual event being hosted by the Society for 21 years. Our Society is the most suitable linkage and trusted source of development in industry, added Safdar.

HVACR industry in Pakistan is serving millions of its customers through air conditioned banks, hospitals, industrial units, commercial buildings and plazas, multi functional stores, shopping malls, residences, hostels, food preservation facilities, transport etc. Volume of industry’s production is increasing as our population increases. Growth of HVACR sector is quite fast, he said. He said energy efficiency, indoor air quality, building integration and automation, green buildings, sustainability, information technology, business management, mold and moisture control and other such topics are the burning issues being faced by HVACR sector, he said.

He said inventions and improvements in HVACR components go hand in hand with industrial revolution, methods of modernization, higher efficiency system controls. Here importance of HVACR cannot be ignored. Take the example of safe and comfortable air travel. It is all because of AC system. HVAC system made it possible for air passengers to travel comfortably and return safely to ground. Providing health caring medicines and environment is also the fruit of HVACR whose support assures access to safe eatables and drinking contents with nutrition values fully preserved for end users.

HVAC system provides ventilation, reduces air infiltration and maintains pressure between spaces, said Engr. Safdar. Abreast with digital revolution, need of air conditioning and refrigeration in Pakistan is also increasing fast. Be they hospitals, data centers, educational institutions, public and private sector organizations, transport, sports or food processing air conditioning is at the forefront. Pharmacy, garments, textile, hospitals, clinics, IT system providers, automobile, rubber, original equipment manufacturers and all other industrial segments are all directly and indirectly associated with HVACR industry. Answering an ER question, he said that HVACR is being taught at the engineering universities because of our efforts. Students also take keen interest in the subject.

However, country’s energy crisis is an important problem badly affecting industries. This also hurts exports. The exhibition consists of about 200 stalls showing new and old products needed by the HVACR users, manufacturers and traders. It will be supported by a powerful promotional campaign to attract buyers from all over Pakistan and also ensure high quality of business that participants are looking for. More than 100,000 special invitation cards and e-mails are being sent to Pakistani and foreign corporate personalities. Besides, over 100,000 special invitation cards and e-mails will also be sent to foreign and Pakistani companies, local and international trade bodies, trade missions of embassies and others, he said.

Billboards in strategic locations around Lahore and advertisements on electronic and print media, partnerships with satellite TV channels and FM radios will also support the exhibition. Extensive e-mails, promotional flyers and promos on YouTube, Face Book, Twitters, targeted SMS to potential visitors will also support our efforts to attract visitors to the exhibition, said Engr. Safdar. Advertisements on Cable TVs aiming to make the event a starting point of future business deals will be employed to market the 21st Expo and Conference at illuminated and air conditioned exhibition hall. The exhibitors will be given purpose built stalls with name panel, electrical point for each stall.

They will get two counters, one table, two chairs and extra accessories on extra costs. Sitting, meeting, lunch areas in exhibition hall, daily cleaning, general security for stalls will also be made available to exhibitors from April 2 to April 6 that is one day before the exhibition and one day after closing of exhibition, said Engr. Safdar. (M Soomro)

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