The 11th Occupational Health, Safety & Environment (OHSE) organized by the Institution of Engineers (IEP), Karachi Chapter proved to be a success by all counts—the level of interest and participation and also the overall quality of the papers presented and talks given in the conference.
The moot was graced by Engr. Najeeb Haroon, Chairman of Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) as the chief guest, and Willian P. Bahnfleth, Professor of Architectural Engineering
from Pennsylvania State University as the keynote speaker.
The conference had three technical sessions followed by a panel discussion.
The conference framed the following recommendations.
The Building Code of Pakistan be adopted at all levels to control any fire or other such emergency situations
Training on OHSE be included in the curriculums at least at the secondary school level.
National Health, Safety & Environment Policy be formulated
Occupation Health, Safety, and Environment Standards, code of practices, and guidelines be formulated in accordance with local OHS Laws.
Both Print and Electronic Media be requested to allocate a compulsory timeslot for OSH to bring awareness among the general public, and concerned stakeholders
Advisory Council having representation from all stakeholders be established at the federal, provincial & local levels, and NGOs, like IEP be made part of such forums
OSH authorities at the federal as well as provincial levels be established.
Environmental social management system be adopted
IEP should establish a separate desk for the promotion of OHSE. Other than seminars, workshops, and conferences, social visits may also be arranged
Pakistan Engineering Council may establish a comprehensive data bank regarding OHSE and record accidents also
Pakistan Medical and Dental Council or College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan be asked to start specialized courses on Occupational Diseases that are very common in the Pakistani Work Environment
Emphasis should be placed on workers’ training besides management representatives.