Importance of Air Conditioning, Significant Role on Energy & Global Warming

This article will spread out the importance of we all use Airconditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration in our daily lives such as Offices, Houses / Apartments, Gym, Shopping Malls, Hospitals, Airports, Pharmaceuticals, Vehicles, other industries, small and medium enterprises as well as storage facilities keep fresh and healthy Foods, Sea Foods and Medicine i.e. Meat, Vegetables, Vaccines, etc.
Projections by the International Energy Agency (IEA) predict an increase to 5.5 billion units globally by 2050. Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the IEA warns that: the “Growing demand for air conditioners is one of the most critical blind spots in today’s energy debate”. He adds that an essential and relatively simple step is for governments to set higher efficiency standards for cooling. Energy demand due to air conditioning is expected to almost triple by 2050.
HVACR defines Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration plays a vital role as follows:
To provide comfort for people and industrial applications.
To provide better Indoor Air Quality (IAQ).
To preserve the foods (Meat, Sea Food, Vegetables, and Fruits) & Medicine.
To reduce the Energy requirement.
To minimize the Global Warming or Hot Climate Change effect.
The cooling industry is important, but it is also incredibly polluting – accounting for around 10% of global CO2 emissions. That is three times the amount produced by aviation and shipping combined. And as temperatures around the world continue to rise due to climate change, the demand for cooling will increase too.
First, we agree that Air Conditioning and Refrigeration is being used everywhere. As the population and awareness will more means demand of energy will increase day by day. So, Let’s focus on Energy mostly electricity.
Globally Energy Conservation and Climate Change – we are talking about.
Everyone is part to help the local society, provinces/states, and national levels, and combined efforts will help the globe. These will be discussed in detail.
The demand for Energy can be reduced if buyers both home appliances & commercial / Industrial people select the right and third-party Energy Certified Equipment.
Do buy energy efficient equipment which requires less electricity to meet the demand.
Do take valuable advice from an airconditioning expert for houses.
Do proper designing for Medium or Large-Scale Projects.
Do select the location of the Equipment for Split Air conditioners.
05.Do proper insulation on refrigerant pipes, walls / roof.
06.Do proper Installation and Commissioning.
07.Do preventive maintenance like filter cleaning.
08.Do select the professionals / experts for repairing / replacement and new installation.
The second most important factor is Global Warming & Ozone Depletion Layer. Air conditioners are terrible for the environment, which is complicated by the fact that they’re increasingly necessary as outside temperatures increase.
In China, a searing heat wave has lasted for more than two months, and the power grid is straining as people crank up their air-conditioning.
But as the planet keeps getting hotter, and more people around the world can afford to air-condition, its use is growing everywhere. By the middle of the century, there are likely to be about 5.6 billion appliances, and nearly triple the energy demand for cooling today.
“I think the numbers come out to about 10 new air conditioners every second for the next 30
years,” says Jack Alvarenga, a research scientist at Harvard University’s Wyss Institute, and part of a team working on redesigning how homes can be cooled.
The problem is significant both because of the amount of energy that air conditioners require and
the fact that current refrigerants, the chemicals that absorb the heat in your AC, are also potent greenhouse gases. (Thanks to the global Kigali Agreement, the worst refrigerants are being phased out, but that will take time.) The more AC is used, the hotter it will get outside.
HVAC System uses refrigerants (Gases) which absorb heat and provide cooling.
These refrigerants escape from the system and damage both Global Warming & Ozone Depletion Layer.
HFC emissions cause increased warming in the stratosphere, reports NASA, speeding up the chemical reactions that destroy ozone molecules and decreasing ozone levels.
In other words, HFCs trap heat in our atmosphere and contribute to global warming. Thus, they have high global warming potential (GWP) and are ultimately bad for the environment.
New Refrigerants – HFOs have zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and low GWP, making them a more environmentally friendly option than HFCs. HFOs don’t trap heat in our atmosphere and don’t contribute to global warming.
Glaciers start melting, rising sea levels, high precipitation, and change in climate globally due to high ambient temperature because of Global Warming.
The high demand for electricity means more emissions of Carbon Dioxide into the Environment. In addition to this, high electric bills.
Transitioning from HFC to HFO or HFO blends (New Refrigerants used in Cars, Fridges, Split Units, and Commercial Units) is an essential step in reducing the climate impact of the building and roofing industry.
Global warming is gauged by the increase in the average global temperature of the Earth. Along with our currently increasing average global temperature, some parts of the Earth may actually get colder while other parts get warmer—hence the idea of average global temperature. Greenhouse gas-caused atmospheric heating and agitation also increase the unpredictability of the weather and climate and dramatically increase the severity, scale, and frequency of storms, droughts, wildfires, and extreme temperatures.
90 percent reduction of HCFCs in developed countries. Developed countries are eliminating 90 percent of their HCFC production and consumption as per the schedule.
Montreal Protocol Adoption
The Montreal Protocol is adopted on 16 September 1987. The day is marked globally as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer since 16 September 1995.
2016 – Kigali Amendment adopted as Parties adopt the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on 15 October, agreeing to phase down the consumption and production of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
Healing of ozone layer confirmed in 2013:
The scientific assessment of ozone depletion in 2014 confirms that the ozone layer is healing and will return to pre-1980 levels by mid-century, thanks to actions taken by Parties under the Montreal Protocol.
Nowadays, providing cooling to everyone who needs it, and not just those who can afford it. This is a necessity instead of a luxury.
Air conditioning is the need of people to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. During Covid 19, the use of Airconditioning is more important, especially in public places. Earlier it was discussed – Airconditioning is the name of Cooled Air Only. In the current scenario, the importance is much bigger that will significantly improve in many areas of our lives.
As we all know that Pakistan is suffering a lot due to global warming and bearing serious consequences. This is the time to emphasize the importance of air conditioning, energy efficiency, and its effect on climate.
Hybrid System can be one way to reduce the use of Airconditioning at peak load means natural ventilation, evaporative cooling, and Mechanical Airconditioning.
The Use of Energy Efficient Air Conditioners and New Refrigerants will minimize the energy crisis, and global warming effect as well as the healing of the ozone depletion layer.
Pakistan Governmentescalates working relations with International Organization for Environment / Climate Change to spread out awareness of new refrigerants and do seminars all over Pakistan through Engineering Council and Pakistan HVACR Society etc.
Both Government and Industrial Sector should form the committee and prepare the guidelines and make sure to implement (both penalty or reward) in all areas. All professionals, scientist and scholars must take a step forward and emphasize on use of renewable energy and highlights the benefits of Energy Efficient Equipment & use of new refrigerants.
We should promote clean energy on small and large scales like solar or wind power energy. By acting responsibly now, we get to experience and preserve for ourselves and future generations the opportunity to survive and thrive and experience a sustainable prosperity.
Getting others aware of the real urgency of the climate and global heating emergency is the absolute least anyone can do to do their part to help themselves and humanity. Reducing Global Warming is huge task, and we should discuss at all forums and work as a community to save the world.
Actions should be taken to reduce Carbon Emissions and helps to reduce Global Warming:
Use Energy Efficient Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Equipment.
Use New Refrigerants for household items, Commercial & Industrial Projects.
Go paperless.
Use Electric Vehicle or Hybrid.
Make your home more energy and water efficient.
Use renewable energy resources (Solar, Wind, etc)
Recycling of Waste
Go Plastic Free
Increase the plants in the surrounding.
Besides, all media – Print Media (Newspapers, Magazines), Broadcast Media (TV, Radio), Outdoor or Out of Home (OOH) Media, and Social Media be part of this important awareness. All stakeholders work together to give awareness in order to save the next generation of Pakistan.n

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