President of Institution Engineers Pakistan (IEP) Engr. Jawed Uppal’s presence in IEP Karachi chapter’s program last month was a good sign. He as he said felt very happy being in Karachi with the engineers leading institution’s Karachi chapter. ‘Karachi chapter has always been active and he feels very good being here, ‘ he said while talking to Engineering Review.
‘I appreciate the activities and I am here for the reason as to what else can be done,’ he said. We have to deliver for our engineers, work for their development and it is our top priority.
He said they were trying to understand today’s’ job requirements. There are many job opinings under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and other infrastructure projects and there were some specific requirements. ‘We want our training should be in line with such requirements of our industry.’
Engineer Uppal was of the view that Pakistan was passing a very difficult time thus the engineers have to explore how professional engineers should play their part. They have to be out of their offices, to be on roads so that they become helping hands in the development of the country. ‘We cannot afford antagonism anymore’, he says.
As regards the collective efforts of IEP, Engr Uppal said they required to follow the rules of the game and there were a lot of avenues for improvements. ‘For instance, we have to be service-oriented. We have to rescue ourselves from the past when we were living as a club. We have to get out of such atmosphere and become service-oriented.
He says the young engineers should be fully trained so that they perform well and bring good name to the country.
Do you think the beginning has been made for collective efforts?
Yes, I think so. It’s been a year since I am in the office. During the initial months the colors were different; It is like red becomes yellow and then green. We pray for traveling along with each other and we shall do it InshaAllah.
How about the activities of IEP chapters in Punjab?
Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi-Islamabad have been more active chapters in comparison to Hyderabad, Faisalabad, and Quetta. At present, most of the activities are around continuous professional development and it is good sign.
In Lahore, we have started an Internship Program and we are getting internees from UET, GIK and other universities. I think such programs should be replicated in other chapters also.
Are our policies benefitting our engineers and engineering industry in the second phase of CPEC?
I have been looking into it and I believe the professional requirements for engineers in CPEC are specific and we have to go in line with such demand. CPEC is a big opening for engineers as a number 19 industrial zones are being set up in the country. It is up to engineers whether they can be competent as required under the CPEC. At present our engineers are deficient in some areas and we must admit it and work to remove them