In a world where vice beats virtue every hour,
— Natural disasters reveal a divine power.
In storms and quakes, His might is made clear,
— A reminder that He is the All Seer, the All Knower.
Blasts, floods, and fires are but gestures,
— God does not err; we are the transgressors.
Not mere acts of fate, but tests from our Creator,
— Every disaster calls us to surrender.
Corruption spreads through land and water,
— Reflecting our collective blunders.
Yet in every trial, there’s a chance to recover,
— To amend and fare better.
When poverty and hardship strike,
— For humanity, let us stand, all together.
The earth will tremble as the end draws near,
— Discharging burdens, as a reminder.
In this life, we must prepare,
For accountability, which we all fear, is near.
— In times of sorrow, let compassion rise higher,
Let mutual love and mercy take over.
Fear and hunger, bereavement, loss, and pain,
— With patience, must we bear.
Steadfast we stand, stronger
— He will guide us, together with endless mercies and favours.
Let kindness flow for every shed tear,
— Let sympathy grow, whenever anyone suffers
Every messenger calls us to repent,
— With repentance to God, we will prosper
With prayer and patience, let our hearts endeavour,
— Helping one another in every disaster.
As long as we repent,
— No catastrophe will ever occur.
May the sufferings of LOS ANGELES soon be over
— Together with Gaza massacre