Engineering for Global Development
IEEE SIGHT Karachi organizes Community Engagement Workshop

on 17/01/2023

IEEE SIGHT Karachi Chapter in collaboration with IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) Karachi Chapter, IEEE ComSoc Mehran University of Engineering and Technology(MUET) Student Branch Chapter, Mehran University Institute of Science, Technology & Development (MUISTD), and QS World Merit organized a one-day workshop on “Engineering for Global Development (EGD) Community Engagement” at MUISTD Auditorium, MUET, Jamshoro, Pakistan on January 13, 2022.
This workshop was funded by IEEE R10 Humanitarian Sustainable Project & Volunteer Training Support Fund. The objective of the EGD Workshop was to develop the skills needed for conducting successful SIGHT projects in the participants. The total number of participants in thisworkshopwas67 in which 28 were IEEE members and 39 were non-IEEE members. The workshop was formally started with the recitation of the Holy Quran and the national anthem of Pakistan. Afterward, Prof. Dr. Arabella Bhutto, Co-Director MUISTD welcomed the worthy Vice-Chancellors, Guest Speakers, the Coordinators, the Organizers, and the Participants. The worthy Vice Chancellor of MUET Jamshoro, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Aslam Uqaili, attended the workshop as the Chief Guest and delivered his speech, and appreciated the Speakers for taking their time from their very busy schedule to motivate the participants regarding community engagement. The worthy Vice Chancellor of Government College Hyderabad, Prof. Dr. Tayyaba Zarif also attended this workshop as Guest of Honour.
The first session was delivered by Engr. Hanan Daudpota and Engr. Murtaza Hanif delivered a talk on IEEE SIGHT, its Benefits and Guidelines for Preparing a Strong IEEE SIGHT Group Petition. They encouraged the participants to establish an IEEE SIGHT Group at MUET. It was agreed that Dr. Umair Ahmed Korai, Assistant Professor, Department of Telecommunication Engineering, MUET Jamshoro will be the said Group’s Advisor at MUET.
The second session was delivered by Engr. Parkash Lohana, Chair IEEE R10 Professional Activities Committee, Associate Professor & HOD (CS) at Usman Institute of Technology, Karachi, and Engr. Moiz Rahman Memon, Broadcast Engineer at Community Health FM Radio, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro & Treasurer, IEEE Karachi Section, and IEEE Karachi SIGHT Chapter respectively. In the session, Engr. Parkash conducted the EGD Community Engagement Workshop. Furthermore, Engr. Moiz facilitated conducting activities related to the workshop with the participants.
The next session was delivered by Mr. Ali Akbar, Executive Director of Association of Water, Applied Education and Renewable Energy (AWARE) – an NGO – that has been the implementation partner of IEEE SIGHT Karachi Chapter’s projects in the past. He shared the humanitarian issues of the districts when AWARE operates. He also identified the areas where Engineers can contribute through humanitarian technology which resultantly can change the lives of the people living in those districts.
Worthy Vice Chancellor of GC University Hyderabad, Prof. Dr. Tayyaba Zarif gave the concluding remarks of the workshop. In her speech, she acknowledged the efforts of guest speakers, organizers, and volunteers. She encouraged the participants to explore in more depth IEEE SIGHT and showed interest to host such activity at GC University. In the end, Prof. Dr. Aftab Ahmed Memon, ChairmanDepartment of Electronic Engineering, gave the vote of thanks to the chief guest, guest of honor, speakers, event organizers, collaborators, volunteers, and participants followed by shield and certificate distribution, and lunch

Role of Biodiesel as an alternate source of Energy

on 17/01/2023

Biodiesel can be utilized in any diesel motor when blended in with mineral diesel. It can likewise be utilized in its unadulterated structure (B100) in diesel motors, however, a few upkeep and execution issues may then happen during wintertime use, since the fuel turns out to be fairly gooier at lower temperatures, contingent upon the feedstock utilized. Dissimilar to the vegetable and waste oils used to fuel changed over diesel motors, biodiesel is a drop-in biofuel, which means it is viable with existing diesel motors and dissemination framework. Nonetheless, it is normally mixed with petrodiesel (ordinarily to under 10%) since most motors can’t run on unadulterated Biodiesel without alteration. Biodiesel mixes can likewise be utilized as warming oil. Biodiesel can be utilized in unadulterated structures (B100) or might be mixed with oil diesel at any fixation in most infusion siphon diesel motors. New outrageous high-pressure (29,000 psi) normal rail motors have severe production line cutoff points of B5 or B20, contingent upon the maker. Biodiesel has different dissolvable properties from petrodiesel and will corrupt normal elastic gaskets and hoses in vehicles. Biodiesel can likewise be utilized as a warming fuel in homegrown and business boilers, a blend of warming oil and biofuel which is normalized and burdened somewhat uniquely in contrast to diesel fuel utilized for transportation. Bioheat fuel is a restrictive mix of biodiesel and conventional warming oil. More established heaters might contain elastic parts that would be impacted by biodiesel’s dissolvable properties, yet can in any case consume biodiesel with next to no change required. Care should be taken, considering that stains left behind by petrodiesel will be delivered and can stop up pipes-fuel separating and brief channel substitution is required. Another methodology is to begin utilizing biodiesel as a mix, and diminishing the oil extent after some time can permit the stains to fall off more bit by bit and be less inclined to obstruct.
Biodiesel has promising greasing-up properties and cetane evaluations contrasted with low sulfur diesel powers. Energizes with higher lubricity might expand the usable existence of high-pressure fuel infusion hardware that depends on the fuel for its grease. Contingent upon the motor, this may incorporate high tension infusion siphons, siphon injectors (additionally called unit injectors), and fuel injectors. Fuel frameworks on a few present-day diesel motors were not intended to oblige biodiesel, while numerous rock-solid motors can run with biodiesel mixes up to B20. Customary direct infusion fuel frameworks work at around 3,000 psi at the injector tip while the cutting edge normal rail fuel framework works as much as 30,000 PSI at the injector tip. Parts are intended to work at an incredible temperature range, from underneath freezing to more than 1,000 °F (560 °C). Diesel fuel is relied upon to consume proficiently and produce as a couple of outflows as could really be expected. As discharge norms are being acquainted with diesel motors the need to control unsafe emanations is being planned into the boundaries of diesel motor fuel frameworks. Biodiesel is regularly delivered by the transesterification of the vegetable oil or creature fat feedstock, and other non-palatable unrefined components like searing oil, and so on There are a few techniques for completing this transesterification response including the normal cluster process, heterogeneous impetuses, supercritical cycles, ultrasonic strategies, and even microwave techniques.
Normal feedstock utilized in biodiesel creation incorporates yellow oil (reused vegetable oil), “virgin” vegetable oil, and fat. Reused oil is handled to eliminate contaminations from cooking, stockpiling, and dealing with, like soil, roasted food, and water. Virgin oils are refined, yet not to a food-grade level. Degumming to eliminate phospholipids and other plant matter is normal, however, refinement processes shift. Results of the response incorporate biodiesel, yet additionally the side-effects cleanser, glycerol, overabundance liquor, and follow measures of water. These results should be eliminated to fulfill the guidelines, yet the request for expulsion is process-subordinate.

Thar Foundation gets NEPRA’s recognition

on 17/01/2023

CSR initiatives undertaken by Thar Foundation with the support of Engro PowerGen Ltd (EPTL) in Tharparkar earn recognition from NEPRA under its first Annual CSR Award ceremony held in Islamabad.
NEPRA, the power sector regulator of Pakistan has taken an initiative “Power With Prosperity” to encourage power sector companies to undertake CSR initiatives that make local communities beneficiaries of power projects.
EPTL was selected as one of the companies implementing the best CSR program in the power sector. The prestigious award was received by the CEO of EPTL Mr. Manzoor Zaidi, GM CSR Mr. Naseer Memon, and Ms. Fatima Khushnood.
EPTL team received the award from NEPRA Chairman Mr. Tauseef H. Farooqi in the Award ceremony.
The Award is a recognition of community services of EPTL/Thar Foundation rendered in its area of operations in Tharparkar

NESPAK signs long term agreement with UNDP

on 17/01/2023

NESPAK has signed a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for providing engineering and design services on a Call-Off Contract basis in countries including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives. It was stated by Dr. Tahir Masood, Managing Director NESPAK here on Wednesday.
The types of Projects required to be undertaken under LTA include rehabilitation of hospitals, schools & roads, retrofitting of buildings, sewerage & drainage, vehicular access roads and bridges, buildings, rehabilitation of Governmental buildings, small scale hydropower plants, small scale solar power plants, wells, water harvesting, irrigation and catchment control, health clinics, medical centers and marine/coastal infrastructure.
NESPAK scope of services includes data collection, surveys and investigations, detailed design, tender documentation and construction supervision of above-mentioned projects to be financed by a variety of UNDP partners.
Meanwhile, NESPAK has also entered into an agreement with United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) for providing engineering consultancy services for Strategic Grain Reserve-Food Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. NESPAK scope of work includes project planning, topographic survey, geotechnical investigations, detailed design, tender documentation and construction supervision of prefabricated warehouses to be constructed at Sakhakot, Malakand. n

How to face a challenge? IMS Engineering’s story may be a lesson for all!

on 17/01/2023

The Covid – 19 pandemic brought many challenges to businesses worldwide and in Pakistan how IMS Engineering faced them is a lesson that will be a guide not only for the company but also for many others to learn from.
Initially, challenges such as disruption in the supply chain, cost escalation of material, devaluation of the rupee, etc
posed no issues, recalls Zeeshan Anwar Siddiqi when asked how IMS Engineering faced the challenges put forth by Covid – 19 pandemic, adding a few months later global supply chain began to affect because of delays in shipments, and then further issues relating to the availability of devives (like chips) started rising.
In sum, receiving deliveries became a challenge. We then started looking for replacements etc that also created quite many issues.
How long would such issues persist and how did you satisfy your clients?
Our clients had their own targets and they were moving keeping in view their targets because of Covid – 19 pandemic. They had to meet their targets being pharma companies and thus the pressure was coming to us. To meet their targets, we looked towards multiple suppliers with who we are in business already. We have many international partners like we have Schneider Electric as our big partner and then we assessed various options with their help to meet the demand.
HVACR is a vast field, what areas does the IMS deal in and how is it doing?
IMS was established in 1996–some 25 years ago–by Mahmood Sahib having his background in controls. He knew at that time that the future is embedded with instrumentation and building automation.
Initially, his initiative aimed at instrumentation and management systems. We also sailed with Schneider Electric and like it, we also evolved into IMS. We developed our portfolio keeping the pull and push of the market. We kept on expanding on many integrated systems required in the market.
IoT has swept every system, how is it affecting our market, and also how does IMS convince the clients to go for a business management system especially in a society like ours?
You are right, nowadays our data is also going on the system based on IoT and thus people remain informed of their system while being remote. Each alarm hits you in case of change on the site. In the Schneider Electric systems, we have cyber security systems to address the issues relating to the security of data n