50 MW solar power park at Manjhand, Jamshoro Sindh Energy Department and international consortium sign a contract agreement

on 27/01/2020

The Sindh Solar Energy Project has been initiated by the Energy Department Govt of Sindh with the Financial and technical support of the World Bank.
The objective of the project is to scale-up of solar power in Sindh Province and increase access to electricity and fulfill International commitments on climate change through various modes of solar power deployment.
Establishment of 400 MW Solar Power Park through Solar Auction
The project aims to establish 400 MW Solar Power Park through Solar power auctions in line with the best international practices. The first competitive bidding is being held for 50 MW solar power park at Manjhand, district Jamshoro. The contract agreement has been signed by Sindh Energy Department with local and international consortium comprising of Bridge Factor (Pakistan) and Tractebel ENGIE (Germany) in association with Renewable Resources Limited (Pakistan), Pakistan, Ashurst Law (Singapore) and Axis Law (Pakistan). The signing ceremony was witnessed by Sindh Energy Minister Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh at Energy Department. Under the Project, a sustainable cost-effective competitive bidding scheme to deploy Solar PV plants in the Sindh province will be developed and piloted. This Project will also have a wider relevance for the whole of Pakistan for the development of competitive bidding schemes.
Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh reiterated the vision of the government of Sindh to promote clean and cheap energy for the socio-economic uplift of the country. He directed the project team to expedite the activation of all energy resources especially renewable.
The Minister informed that currently, the share of renewable energy in Pakistan’s energy mix is minimal whereas other developing countries have set ambitious targets to enhance the share of renewable energy sources. Being indigenous, clean, and economical resource having a short gestation period, renewable energy projects are considered the most viable option for import substitution, reducing basket price of energy and to offset the environmental impacts of fossil fuels.
Under the project activities, locational studies are being carried out with technical assistance of the World Bank to identify the least cost economically viable solar project sites in the province for the establishment of solar power parks. The initial estimates of the study revealed that 4275 MW renewable energy can be supplied from the Sindh to meet the 25% renewable energy target by 2025. The 400 MW Solar power Park under the SSEP project will bring 250 million US Dollars investment in the province.
The Project Director Mehfooz A Qazi signed the agreement on behalf of the Govt of Sindh and the consortium team was lead by A.K Bilgrami.
After the signing of the ceremony the kick-off meeting chaired by the Project Director through conference call attended by the World Bank Project team based in Washington DC and the Foreign and local consultants based in Germany and Islamabad.
The project feasibility studies including environmental and grid connection studies have been carried out by Sindh Energy Department and it is expected that the project will be completed by the mid of 2021. The project will bring an additional 250 million US Dollars investment from the private sector also. — PR

How does a dam or hydropower project look like?

on 27/01/2020

How does a dam look like? Is it built like other buildings and structures? How does it store water? Does every dam generate electricity? Why are dams built in mountainous areas?These are the sort of questions, engineers face from people when they go to project areas for data collection and investigations or they are discussing about water scarcity and energy crisis in general public or even when they share stories of their work with family members especially kids. I am sure that they do their best to explain in simple words about the concept of the dam and hydro power projects. But, honestly speaking, it needs many words to describe the concept involving imagery or abstract thoughts. Secondly, it is not only difficult but weird too to explain the geometry, construction and functioning of dam or hydropower in narrative (in words) to the people who do not belong to relative field of engineering. The old adage “A picture is worth a thousand words” certainly holds true in this scenario. In order to overcome the water scarcity and energy crisis, the Government of Pakistan has taken serious initiatives to construct mega dams and hydropower projects. The construction of Mohmand Dam Hydropower project, one of the mega project developed by WAPDA (Water And Power Development Authority) has been started. The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has established “Supreme Court of Pakistan’s DiamerBhasha and Mohmand Dams Fund” for raising funds for the construction of DiamerBhasha and Mohmand Dams. The Fund shall receive donations/contributionsfrom general public, institutions, organizations etc via ATM, Debit/Credit Cardsand banks which shall be solely used for the purpose of construction of DiamerBhasha and Mohmand Dams.Most of dam-related fund raising campaign aired through media contains the static images of the already developed dams (mainly Tarbela&Mangla), animated movies of the running spillways of Tarbela&Mangla Dam projects. The media campaigns for fund raising for Mohmand&Basha Dams lack the visual depiction of these mega projects which appeals, attracts & motivate general public to contribute.This was the prime motive to construct physical 3D model of Mohmand Dam Hydropower Project which not only serves to enhance the understanding, concept, perception and function of the mega hydropower project to engineers but as well as it will help to inspire and motivate public to contribute and donate for the national cause.Secondly, we, as a nation cannot afford any controversy/compromise on any mega dam and hydro project now. The nation has already suffered a lot due to controversies on mega projects. Kalabagh dam is one of the major examples. The general public should have awareness about the importance as well as the complexity of the dam and hydropower projects. To accomplish this task, 3D modeling and construction of dioramas proved to be one of the vital tools. 3D modeling is a technique that’s used to create a 3D representation of any surface or object. Using the geo-spatial terrain data and the design documents & 2D drawings (Plans, L-Sections, Cross Sections etc) of the Mohmand Dam Hydropower Project, a 3D model was sculpted. 3D Printed Engineered Model of 800 MW Mohmand Dam Hydropower Project was prepared using the topographic data acquired by Aerial Mapping (DEM resolution: 17 cm) with all project components (Main CFRD Dam, Spillway, Diversion Intake & Outlet, Power Intake, Powerhouse, Coffer Dams, Switchyard, Access roads & Colony area and Right & Left Irrigation Tunnels Intakes) at physical scale of 1:2000 (1 cm = 20 meter). The model was prepared and presented by The Spatio, a leading engineering and geospatial consultancy firm of Pakistan. The Model was on display to public on 9th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference & 15th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering at UET Lahore. The team from The Spatio was appreciated by participants, visitors & people from different sectors of industry specially Lt Gen (Retd) Muzammil Hussain Chairman WAPDA,Dr. Tahir Masood Managing Director, Nespak. Besides that, The Spatio presented 3D models of Shogosin Hydropower Project, Laspur Hydropower Project &Garuk Storage Dam Project, which were also eye catchers. The best outcome of the participation in the conference exhibition was the awareness, education and cognitive learning of the Civil Engineering students who visited The Spatio stall and got technical exposure to the mega dams and hydropower projects in Pakistan

NESPAK celebrates 40 years of operations In Oman

on 27/01/2020

NESPAK has successfully completed 40 years of its operations in Oman. Since its establishment in 1979, NESPAK has contributed to 60 to 70 percent road infrastructure development of Oman and earned hefty foreign exchange for the country. In order to celebrate this momentous occasion, NESPAK arranged a ceremony at the Regional Office Oman and invited the Pakistani business community in Oman. Dr. Tahir Masood, Managing Director, NESPAK, was the chief guest, who gave away letters of appreciation to NESPAK personnel who demonstrated exceptional performance. Noted journalist Mr. Rauf Klasra also attended the ceremony at the invitation of Mr. Khadim Hussain Jhakar, Regional Manager (RM) Oman. Engr. Zahoor Ahmed Minhas, the Former Vice President/Founder of NESPAK in Oman, also participated in the celebration.
During his stay in Oman, the Managing Director NESPAK along with RM Oman also attended several meetings with different Ministries of Oman and other Departments. They attended meetings with the top-ranking officials of Muscat Municipality, Dewan of Royal Court, Oman, Ministry of Regional Municipality and Water Resources (MRMWR), Chief Executive Officer – CEO, Special Economic Zone Authority Duqm (SEZAD), Project Manager Public Authority for Water, Sultanate of Oman and Pakistan Embassy in Oman.
During these meetings, MD NESPAK gave presentations about NESPAK, its role in engineering consultancy and its achievements in Oman. During the presentations, NESPAK highlighted its services which are being provided in Pakistan regarding highways, motorways, bridges, metro bus system, Orange Line Metro Train System, Dams, Public Health Engineering, hydropower projects, China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects (motorways, power plants etc.). NESPAK highlighted that they have established overseas offices and are providing consultancy services in other counties like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Nigeria, Afghanistan etc.
In Oman, NESPAK has so far undertaken 191 projects costing US$ 9 billion. Major road projects include Khasab Coastal Road, Batinah Coastal Road, Muscat to Khatmat Mallah Road (Dubai border), Sohar baraimi road, ZarubBaraimi road, Sohar Interchange, Sohar – Yanka road. Rustaq – Miskin road, Malladah – Hazm road, Nizwa–Thumrait road, Thumrait- Salalah road, Dyka dam, darbat dam, Ghulaji dam, Nakhal water supply projects, Musannah sewerage project etc. The higher officials of Oman Ministries highly appreciated NESPAK’s services regarding consultancy services for projects. After such an inspiring presentation, NESPAK hopes to win a tender namely “Al Hamra dam project” (which is under evaluation).
In the Sultanate of Oman, NESPAK started its operations in the year 1979 and has been providing consultancy services to various Government Ministries and Departments for the last 40 years. The major fields of operations have been major Roads, Highways, Water Supply/Sewerage Schemes and Dams. From a modest beginning in the 1980’s to mega projects in the year 2000 in the Sultanate, NESPAK has emerged as an efficient and dependable partner to the government of Oman in the development of infrastructure facilities. Through consistent and tireless efforts of its employees, NESPAK has carved a niche for itself and today proudly stands as one of the leading consultancy firms in the Sultanate of Oman

‘Digital world is making work easy and accurate’

on 27/01/2020

Engineer Muhammad Ahmad Habib Qureshi, heading Solar Division of Multiline Engineering is a graduate from the University of Sheffield, UK shares in his interview his multiple work experience and also how renewable energy is gaining ground in Pakistan.
He is working with Multiline for a year now and believes It is an excellent organization for professional growth and a place to enhance my technical knowledge.
What are your core responsibilities?
There is a growing demand for renewable energy, and since it is a new and trending technology, there is a lot of misinformation amongst the masses. It takes a lot of time and effort in educating potential customers. Being the manager, my core responsibilities range from Sales & Marketing to Engineering and Design of PV systems. I also have to look into the operations and sourcing issues. Given that Grid-Tied Solutions involve a lot of government departments for net metering, I have to focus my concentration on the details of the Net Metering filing process to avoid delays.
My responsibilities also include “Electric vehicle” chargers. We have successfully installed the EV Charger infrastructure for several renowned German automobile companies who are rolling out their EV models in Pakistan. We are also providing a whole range of swing, sliding, and bi-folding“Gate Automation” Solutions.
Multiline Engineering believes that Customer service is not a department. It is the entire company.
What excites you most about this position?
This position aligns perfectly with my natural temperament. It is a blend of Technical and Sales skills. It provides me with the opportunity to meet new people and discuss ideas. The most exciting part is to see my ideas taking shape and eventually coming to life.
How would you describe your own working style?
As per the working style, my strongest trait is the attention to detail, I totally believe in planning and execution. However sometimes I become way too detail-oriented and try to accomplish everything, but then I realize I am losing up on time. I try to maintain a fine balance of productivity and personal satisfaction amongst all individuals of my team. I believe that human happiness has a large and positive effect on productivity.
How technology has influenced your workplace?
Technology is playing a vital role in our line of work. Business communications have gradually shifted to mobile devices. New and emerging communications tools like WhatsApp Business are making it a lot easier to work and stay in touch with colleagues, team members as well as customers. We are now embracing text, chat, video, file sharing, and screen sharing in addition to email and phone communications at the workplace.
In regards to Solar, most of the designing is based on some form of technology. From surveys to Engineering to the Net Metering Application, the digital world makes the work a lot easy and accurate.
How do Photovoltaic panels actually work? What is Net Metering?
Photovoltaic is a process of converting light into electricity using a photovoltaic effect. A typical PV system consists of a number of PV panels, an inverter and some other hardware that converts light into electricity.
In September 2015, NEPRA issued its net-metering regulations that allow the “Distribution Companies” in Pakistan e.g. LESCO, to purchase excess units of electricity produced by the customers who have installed a Grid-Tied PV system and net them off against the units consumed from the grid.
Who is the financial beneficiary of Solar Energy?
The Grid-TiedSolar Solution’smost obvious benefit is to the consumers. It is also possible to practically minimize your annual bills to zero. You can even make money if you produce more than you consume and your DISCO pays you for that excess Energy at the off-peak retail rate.
We have a very talented team of engineers, who design and customize it according to your requirements. We can produce enough units from Solar Power System, that can meet your total annual electricity consumption. However, in certain cases, rooftop space can be a limiting factor.
How does SolarEnergy benefit our country and the environment?
According to the studies, Pakistan has 2.9 million MW of SolarEnergy potential. But we are using only 400-500 MW of this huge potential. However, renewable friendly policies from the government are increasing our reliance on Solar Energy. If we are serious about moving toward energy independence in a cost-effective way, also if we are serious about cutting air & water pollution together with reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Solar Solution is the only answer.
SolarEnergy is environment-friendly, it adds to the total installed power generation capacity of any country, and since the Sun cannot be taxed, it provides free Energy to the consumer. It is a clear winner when it comes to boosting the economy and creating jobs.
How does switching to On-Grid PV System helps to an improved budget?
On-Grid Solar systems are by far the most advanced form of the Solar power system. These systems significantly reduce electricity bills. The excess Energy produces by the system during the daytime can be exported to the National Grid and the customer will buy back the energy from the grid when it is needed. At the end of the month, both export and import Energy will be calculated. The bill will be prepared on the basis of Net Energy purchased by the customer. If you install net metering in your facility, you can reduce the amount of money you spend each year on your electricity bill.
Another benefit of the On-Grid Solar system is the exclusion of Battery Banks, which is a liability, in terms of hefty recurring costs. On-Grid Systems are also more reliable and comes with a longer service life compared to their hybrid counterparts

US to support in establishing a modern university in Thar Consul General Robert Silberstein appreciates NED engineering college in Mithi

on 27/01/2020

US Consul General Robert Silberstein, who called on Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah at CM House, assured that his government will support establishing a state-of-the-art university in Tharparkar district.
The American envoy told the chief minister that he visited NED engineering college in Mithi and appreciated the step of the provincial government but said it was a small institute. At this, the chief minister said he had already reserved a 300 acre land for the university and said it was a dream to establish a full-fledged university.
Mr. Robert assured the chief minister that the American government would support the provincial government in establishing a state-of-art university in Thar.
Syed Murad Ali Shah said that his government was working hard to generate clean energy by installing wind and solar power projects.
“The breakthrough the Sindh government has made in coal-fired power generation in Thar is a milestone in the country and these projects have not only created employment opportunities for the locals but have changed the dynamics of lifestyle in Thar desert where women empowerment has become the major intervention,” he said.
Shah said that the project development was a gigantic task and the more difficult task was the settlement of the affected people in a better way by passing on the benefits of the projects established on their ancestral lands. “Now look at the residential colonies we have established for affected people,” he said and added they were enjoying quite a comfortable life which is a fusion of their desert and modern life. “We have given them beautiful houses with corridors and igloo type of room locally called as `Choanra’, a mosque, a temple, beautiful school, hospital, electricity, water supply and top of it grazing area for their cattle which they keep like their family members,” he said.
Mr. Robert Silberstein told the chief minister that he visited the area and the coal projects, wind projects and the human settlement made by the government impressed him very much. He added that the thing which worried him was locust swarm in the desert area. “It was quite horrible and must be destroyed at the earliest because some experts have told me if they were not killed this year they would cause a catastrophe next year.”
The chief minister said that he has provided a grant of Rs10 million to the federal government plant protection department to conduct aerial spray in the desert area.