EDB finalizes Mobile Device Manufacturing Policy

on 22/10/2019

The Engineering Development Board (EDB) has finalized the policy for Mobile Device Manufacturing in Pakistan.
The policy ready as a draft focuses on replacing imported mobile phone sets with locally assembled and manufactured ones.
The board has been directed to take a final decision on the policy by next month.
The policy envisages semi-knocked down (SKD) kits and completely knocked down (CKD) kits in the country.
The companies will opt for SKD, which is the assembly of sets with imported parts and in later stages manufacturing of parts will begin in the country under CKD, EDB officials say.
Also, the board has suggested that duties on the parts be reduced and certain benefits offered for manufacturing of the parts so that the mobile sets assembled through SKD and CKD become cheaper than the mobile sets imported as completely built units (CBU).
At present, out of 26 approvals, 15 mobile phone set assembly units were operating mainly in Karachi and central Punjab, but they are only producing analogue sets and just a limited number of units were assembling Smartphone locally

Ufone roaming service in AJK and Gilgit Baltistan

on 22/10/2019

After more than 10 years of providing roaming service to the Special Communications Organisation (SCO), the Ufone subscribers will avail the benefit of roaming service in AJK and Gilgit Baltistan.
The SCO, state-owned telecom service provider in Azad Jammu Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan has signed a bilateral roaming services agreement with Ufone at PTCL headquarters.
The agreement will allow the Ufone users to access voice and SMS in areas of AJK and the GB where only SCO operates.
While Ufone has been offering the same service to SCO subscribers in mainstream Pakistan since 2008, these users will have access to mobile data service too after the agreement.
The signing ceremony was attended by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority chairman Amir Azeem Bajwa, SCO Director General Ali Farhan and PTCL & Ufone President & CEO Rashid Khan apart from the senior officials from both sides.
All the mobile telcos Ufone, Telenor, Jazz and Zong operate in key urban areas of AJK and GB, but these companies have not expanded much of their networks in ruggedly remote and far-flung areas especially close to the LoC.
The AJK government data show that around 500,000 tourists visited the Neelum valley in 2018 but there is no mobile telephony by the mobile service providers and purchasing an SCO SIM card demands lengthy formalities for the visitors.

Garbage to Clean Fuel: An Integrated Solution for Karachi

on 22/10/2019

Karachi is the heart of the economic activities of Pakistan that accommodates hefty migrants from all over the country for their better livelihood. According to World Population report, 16.62 million people are the residents of the city. Due to the overburdened population, Karachi is facing two glaring problems that are directly connected with the climatic and health risks, these issues are:
1) Garbage Accumulation in the City
2) Pollution harms due to Excessive Transportation
According to the research study related to Karachi CO2 emissions, 151 million metric tons of emissions were recorded during 2007 which is increasing exponentially. On the other hand, according to the report of ‘Pakistan Today’, 16,000 tons of garbage was piled up in the metropolis during the last year. The final destination of this garbage is landfills developed in the suburbs of Karachi while 30% remain in the streets. Thus, a comprehensive development is required to stave off the conspicuous climatic and health risks of the biggest city of Pakistan.
In this article, a comprehensive integrated solution of the two discussed problems is proposed i.e. Power Generation through Garbage to provide Electric Charging stations for hybrid and electric vehicles.
According to the study of ‘Turning Trash into Electricity in Daily Pakistan’, 100MW of electricity can be produced while utilizing only 40% of the disposed of garbage. The generated power can be effectively utilized as source of charging for electric and hybrid vehicles. Since the biggest problem with the electric vehicles is its range anxiety which can be addressed while providing state of the art electric vehicle charging stations being fueled by the garbage of the city (after conversion of garbage into electricity).
Addressing the range anxiety with reliable power generation source would open new avenues for the indigenous electric vehicle production in the country.
The waste-to-energy power plants are used for power generation through garbage. These plants are installed all over the world whereas Sweden only holds unprecedented 34 operational waste-to-energy power plants instead of utilizing the Coal or other conventional power generation resources.
A comprehensive study can be prepared based on the economic viability of the Incineration plants to be installed based on the potential of available garbage. The key outcomes of the plan will lead to:
1) Utilization of Garbage which will reduce the garbage pile up and mismanagement in the city
2) Free of cost power production for electric and hybrid vehicles
3) Production of Electric Vehicles in Pakistan
4) Low pollution due to effective utilization of electric vehicles powered by a cleaner fuel
5) Provision of employment in the city
6) Power can be connected to the grid in case of excess r generation
The proposed solution requires comprehensive research on the waste-to-energy power plants, indigenous electric vehicle production, effective mechanism for garbage segregation and collection for waste to energy power plants and overall economic feasibility of the project. (The author is Ph.D. (Energy Management Systems) – Energy Research Center, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus. – fawad.azeem1@gmail.com)

Senate Panel Approves Engineers Service of Pakistan

on 22/10/2019

A Senate committee has agreed upon service structure for engineers and thus approved ‘Engineers Service of Pakistan’ (ESP), Chairman Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) announced it through a video message.
Engr. Jawed Salim Qureshi said that the direction of Pakistani engineers had been determined how to move in the right direction.
He said the engineers would soon begin playing their part in Pakistan’s engineering ministries and departments and be the part of the decision-making process. “It would be the time when engineers are to prove how they make proper ways and how they develop and prosper their nation.”
Engineers in Pakistan have been a neglected community and also a target of apathy of the system. They toil day and night for the development and advancement of the country but languish in their initial position for decades.
The engineers of Federal and Provincial departments do not possess any service structure nor they are given automatic time scale promotions, a grave injustice indeed, persisting for decades by now.
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) has been striving to improve the condition of the engineers and thus proposed “Engineers Service Structure” after the hard work of a committee at the council.
It took over a year to develop consensus among committee and GB members. The committee included Engr. Tahir Basharat Cheema (Convener), Engr. Pervez Butt, Engr. Raghib Abbas Shah, Engr. Kamal Uddin Tipu, Engr. Usman Yousaf Mobin Engr. Riaz Ahmed Khan, Engr. Raqeeb Khan, Engr. Abdus Salaam Khan, Engr. Prof Abdul Sattar Shakir, Engr. Ahmed Kamal, Engr. Riaz Arshad, Engr. Shakeel Ahmed Shahwani, Engr. Nadeem Anwar and Mr. Mahmood Rehmani (Secretary Committee)
It said unlike federal structure, there is no service cadre for engineers, similar to the civil services, thus this need for the immediate introduction of engineering cadre at
Federal and Provincial level, with an opportunity for the engineers.
In the early 70s some administrative reforms were introduced for the betterment of the engineers, but later disarrayed. These need to be considered and revived for betterment of the engineering services of Pakistan. The services structure of engineers in line with civil services, those of doctors and other services need to be linked to the automatic time scale promotion i.e. 05-years from BS-17 to BS-18 07-years from BS-18 to BS-19, 05-years from BS-19 to BS-20 and 05-years from BS-20 to BS-21, 03 years from BS-21 to BS-22 and the professional engineers should only be appointed from BS-17 to BS-22 in all engineering departments and organizations.
Also, it further proposed that further promotion in BS 21 & 22nd should be linked to specialized professional training and higher qualifications.
The engineers working with government departments stagnate in the original grades in which they were inducted, for long periods of time, primarily due to unrealistic Service Rules and closed cadres.
The engineers, in most of the engineering organizations, get recruited in BPS-17, stagnate for 15 to 20 years in the same grade and hardly get promoted to BPS-18, as Senior Engineers and thus a vast majority of them retire in BPS-18.
It is most unfortunate that these professionals are ignored, while the officers of other services climb their way from BPS-17 to BPS-22 quickly within very few years, in each scale along with much better facilities, honor and privileges.
Under the Administrative Reforms Order of 1973 had compensated professionals, including engineers, to some extent by granting special and uniform scale of pay to all professional services. At one time, six to seven engineers were elevated as technocrats to the position of Federal Secretaries and almost all Provincial Secretaries of engineering departments were engineers, resulting in remarkable achievements of infrastructure and prosperity within the country. However, this has changed with time and presently seldom any such position is held by an engineer.
Recruitment and Promotion Structure of Engineers
In view of above circumstances and to inculcate confidence of engineers in government and public service, and to provide them a respectable
role in the national agenda of development and prosperity, a proper service structure for professional needs to be approved and notified by the Government of
Pakistan and the provinces besides all other public sector entities.
Besides the requirement of a proper service structure, a time scale promotion structure was also proposed.
There are more than 500 Cadre posts in BPS-20 in the various engineering departments and organizations. The Government during the year 1989 constituted a committee to recommend a service group of engineers like other services groups. The Committee had recommended to carry out job evaluation for
jobs in BPS-20 and above and appointments of relevantly qualified and experienced professionals in line with job analysis, federal ministries involving engineering works to be declared as engineering ministries and engineers having suitable experience and qualifications were proposed to be posted as Secretaries, Additional Secretaries and Joint Secretaries in such ministries. The Committee had further recommended creating an occupational group of engineers, Central Engineering Services and Engineering Academies and foreign training in different developing fields.
The recommendations of the committee, however, were never implemented and totally set aside. The draft recommended to an engineering Services of Pakistan be constituted which will ensure proper promotion of engineers to higher positions.
So as to broaden the availability and expertise it is imperative that the Pool of BPS-20 position in all Federal Government departments, inclusive of such professionals from the Autonomous/Semi-autonomous and other government entities- such are sourced at the provincial level too, can be tapped, to form the basis for promotions to BPS-21 and above.
Appointment of Engineers on Technical Positions
Engineers are responsible for the execution of development plans, provision and maintenance of essential services and contribute towards productivity, economic well-being, and defense of the country.
The performance of organizations like Atomic Energy Commission of Pakistan, Defence Production is a clear manifestation of the fact that engineers and scientists can perform wonders provided they are given proper working conditions and role in decision making.
Ministry of Water & Power, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources, Ministry of Science & Technology, Ministry of communications, Ministry of Housing & Works, Ministry of Production, Aviation Division, Defense Production Division, Planning & Development Division, Ministry of Industries, Any other professional engineering body performing professional engineering work should be need be manned and managed by engineers / technocrats with relevant expertise in relevant field
The draft also talked about the incentive for higher technical qualifications, trainee engineers, foreign training and internships.
Salary Structure
Salary of the engineers in the private sector should be well defined and after completing internship / training engineers should be offered min. salary of Rs. 70,000/- per month. Engineers holding a master or doctorate degrees should be given extra incentive in basic pay package.
The proposed draft also touched areas like hardship allowance, the brain drain of engineers, management skills and job opportunities

MD NESPAK Calls On Heads of Top Companies in Qatar

on 22/10/2019

Discusses Business Opportunities with MD HUAWEI, President of ASHGHAL, Chairman KG Group, and CEO of Al Meera Goods Company
Dr. Tahir Masood, Managing Director NESPAK, conducted a business appraisal visit to Qatar and met Heads of top companies in Doha.
During his visit, MD NESPAK held meetings with Mr. Saad Ahmed Ibrahim Al Mohannadi, President of Ashghal, Mr. Khalid Saif F S Al-Khayareen, Manager of Drainage Networks, Public Works Authority (Ashghal), Mr. Youssef Ali Al-Obaidan, Chief Executive Officer, Al Meera Consumer Goods Co., Dr. Engr. Zayed Mansoor Saif Al Khayarin, Chairman, KG-Group and Mr. Jeffrey Chen, Managing Director of Huawei Gulf North Region.
The purpose of the visit was to explore new business prospects for NESPAK, one of the largest engineering consultancy firms in Pakistan, which has been operating at the national and international levels.
During the meetings, MD gave a detailed introduction of the overall set-up of NESPAK and its office in Doha and emphasized on NESPAK’s professional capabilities in the energy, infrastructure, and other development sectors.
He explained details of projects designed and supervised by NESPAK in Qatar and other parts of the world.
He also presented the NESPAK portfolio and urged companies like Huawei to collaborate with NESPAK in future projects in the Gulf Region.
Meanwhile, the Executive Finance Director Shahzada Khurrum of SAMA GLOBAL INVESTMENT. The investment group showed keen interest to collaborate with NESPAK for its upcoming investment programs in Eastern Europe and South America.
NESPAK’s collaboration with foreign firms can yield handsome foreign exchange as well as job opportunities for many talented engineers and other professionals in Pakistan. NESPAK has recently won projects in Gabon and Nigeria in Africa and also exploring business in Uzbekistan and other states. Hopefully, it will secure more business and earn foreign exchange for the country