CPHGC’s 1,320MW project in Balochistan commercially operational
The Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) said last week that the China Power Hub Generation Company (CPHGC)’s 1,320MW coal-fired power projec
The Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) said last week that the China Power Hub Generation Company (CPHGC)’s 1,320MW coal-fired power projec
DUE&T has joined hands with Karachi University, Sindh University and MUE&T and PCSIR to lunch a project on “Rehabilitation of Manchar Lake”.
Prime Minister Imran Khan has formally approved a barrage on Indus River upstream of Sindh’s delta. The project is aimed at addressing the long-standing water-related issues in Sindh.
The announcement by the Government of Sindh, a NED University campus under the name of Thar Institute of Engineering, Sciences, and Technology (TIEST)
A delegation of representatives of China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) visited Mardan chamber of commerce and industry (MCCI), said a press statement.