RE increasing worldwide

on 03/04/2014

Pakistan has scored an impressive 50% increase in research publications in the last two years, going up from 3,939 to 6,200 in higher education sector. This has been the second highest increase worldwide. Scimago, world’s leading research database, believes by continuing this research trend, then by 2018, Pakistan will move ahead 26 notches in world ranking, from 43 to 27 in 5 years by 2018. This will be the first time ever that Pakistan would cross Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand in Asia.

Today Pakistan publishes more research papers per capita than India. PhD faculty at our universities has also increased by almost 50% – from 4,203 to 6,067 in last 2 years. This success is because Higher Education Commission sponsored PhD scholars have started returning and joining universities. 10 to 15 scholars complete their PhDs weekly and HEC places them at universities under its Interim Placement of Fresh PhDs Program. Another HEC incentive is a Rs. 0.5 million research grant to every returning scholar.

Fresh PhDs are being inducted by HEC in various universities across the country. Number of PhD students at universities increased by over 40% last year from 6,937 to 9,858. Over 28,100 students are registered for MPhil/ MS, up from 16,960, an increase of 65% in two years. Increase in PhDs awarded is again very similar, from 628 to 927 in last 3 years, and is expected to surge in future too as more PhD faculty and students join the universities. Commenting on the developments, Dr Javaid R Laghari Chairman HEC said that universities are the single most important producers of knowledge and research leading to innovation and entrepreneurship.

By introducing innovation, creativity and interdisciplinary research as a vital component of teaching and with knowledge exchange programs, universities contribute more directly to economy and society than many other institutions, he added. He said HEC is encouraging research and ensuring proper utilization of manpower training for the country’s socio economic development. Here HEC has picked and prioritised energy, water resources, environment, food security etc.

Dr Laghari believes that with increased budget allocations for higher education and encouragement by new democratic government, Pakistan will win more laurels in high education at international level.

2 more cos join

on 03/04/2014

Punjab government has also signed an agreement with TBEA of China for a 1,000 MW solar plant in Cholistan. The provincial government has offered around 5,000 acres for such projects to various companies. Norinco International Corporation Ltd is another prominent Chinese company planning to set up a solar power project in Cholistan.

It recently signed a memorandum of understanding with G/o Punjab. Under the agreement, Norinco International will set up a 300 MW solar power project in Cholistan in 12 months. Punjab government will assist Norinco International in acquiring the site. Speaking at MoU signing, CM Shahbaz commended Chinese government and investors for their cooperation in energy sector. Nothing is more important than solving energy crisis. We will be rid of load shedding by quick completion of power projects, he added.

Vice President Norinco International, Zhang Shiping said that Chinese people are deeply impressed with Shahbaz Sharif’s speed for implementing development projects and he is very much liked in China. He hoped that power projects will be completed at the speed at which metro bus project was executed. Solution of energy problem is top priority of his government as we need it for putting the economy back on the track. He said that concerned departments must work efficiently and no negligence should be shown in this regard.

CM said that shortage of electricity will be overcome at any cost as it has made life miserable and all out measures are needed to resolve this issue. And if concerned departments did not do enough, the nation will never forgive them. He also stressed on removing flaws in the power supply system and said that efforts should be made on war footing for upgrading the system. It needs urgent and coordination between concerned departments.

Fighting power crisis Mardan tech can help

on 03/04/2014

Pakistan produces 6,900 MW of hydro power. Huge potential lies unused all over. Mega dams like Bhasha and Dasu etc require billions of dollars and also years to complete. So what good can we get from our streams and rivers. But thanks to a small, modest workshop in Mardan, Pakistan can also generate many thousands more MW hydro power from small hydro plants installed all over the country, particularly in Khyber, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit.

The workshop in Mardan has made over 1,500 micro hydro power plants (MHHPs) to date. It consists of only basic workshop machines like lathe, drill and welding transformer. There are thousands of such workshops in Pakistan which can make turbines ranging from 10 to 300 KW. We can tackle the 4,500 MW power deficit quickly, if we make 15,000 more MHHPs with 300 KW turbines. Heavy Mechanical Complex Taxilla, Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works, precision engineering in PIA and Mughalpura workshop of Pakistan Railways can also make typical mechanical components like shafts, rotors, casings, couplings and gears of much better quality than given by MHHPs.

Generators can be made in Gujrat by fan manufacturers and engineers can develop proper assembly lines with quality control measures to continuously produce MHHPs. This will also create thousands of jobs for unemployed youth, technicians and welders. Kalam, Swat is blessed with abundant waterfalls and fast flowing streams capable of producing power. We can use MHHP electricity to meet Kalam’s power needs and disconnect the city from WAPDA power. Power thus saved can be diverted to power starved industrial hubs in Faisalabad, Sialkot, Gujrat, Gujranwala, Lahore and Karachi.

Similar plants can be installed in other Swat cities like Bahrain, Madian Miandam, Mingora and Saidu Sharif etc. And same can be done in Azad Kashmir, Gilgit and Balitistan. And lower plains – Punjab and Sindh – too can benefit from Mardan technology. Power plants with 300 KW turbines (or with more/ less capacity) can also be installed along canals to service nearby towns/ villages sparing their power for bigger cities. Mardan technology can rid Pakistan of power shortage easily and quickly. It may be noted here that all ingredients needed to produce 4,500 MW are available locally; we just need to make a start.

Power house machinery Not made locally, why?

on 03/04/2014

Many engineers wonder why we (government and generating companies) do not use locally made power plants though local industry can produce machinery and equipment for small hydro power plants. Yes, local firms lack the ability to make big power plants on turnkey or EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) basis, but why is the country forced to rely on expensive foreign contracts even in small power stations.

The point was raised by two WAPDA engineers, who would not let us mention their names here. Apart from the present and past governments, the blame is also shared by gencos, they said. The government also faulted in another matter. It preferred importing big thermal plants and their parts/ components. As a result, local engineering firms could not acquire the know how to construct large power plants – thermal or hydro – on their own. 1994 Power Policy focused on thermal power and neglected hydro power.

1995 Hydro Power Policy and power policies of 1998 and 2002 did give local firms some incentives by way of tax concessions etc, to import hydro power plants machinery and equipment but no incentives were given for local manufacturing. In the meantime, all contracts for hydro projects by WAPDA and independent power producers were given to foreign contractors on EPC basis. According to the two senior engineers, the 2002 Power Policy also aimed at developing power projects able to generate at least 2,000 MW in joint ventures with foreign companies.

This should have helped local industry to assimilate requisite technology. But it did not yield expected results and local engineering industry failed to avail the opportunity on a large scale. Local units like Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) Taxilla, Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works, Descon and Heavy Electrical Complex also at Taxilla are able to make hydro mechanical systems (gates, cranes, penstocks, inlet valves, etc), and hydro electro mechanical equipment (turbines, generators, transformers etc) and many other parts and equipments. Quite a few turbine runners, the most critical component, have been produced locally for replacing imported ones in mini and small power stations in Azad Kashmir (Kundal Shahi) and in Khyber (Dargai and Kurram Garhi). Some have also installed small hydro power plants.

HMC installed 40 turbo generators at 23 mini hydro stations in Gilgit Baltistan region, jointly with Switzerland’s Escher Wyss and UK’s Biwater. Local construction companies like Habib Rafiq and Al-Tariq Constructors can also construct small and medium hydro power plants. Descon mostly focuses on project and site management, installing and commissioning plants. NESPAK does feasibility studies, project designing, management and overseeing construction of hydro power projects. Government’s plan to strengthen HMC (cost Rs 21.54 billion) is under implementation presently.

The plan will enable HMC to develop power plants (hydro power) keeping in view projections made in National Energy Security Plan 2005-2030. Engineering Review was told that an important part of strategy is to get HMC to make small hydro projects on turnkey basis. 16 MW Naltar-III hydro project (cost Rs 1.37 b) would be constructed in Gilgit Baltistan. HMC and its consultant, Nespak, have already begun working at the site. Foreign consultants have pointed out hundreds of hydro power schemes with generation capacity of 5-50 MW, technically and economically feasible.

Nonetheless, there is still a need for an effective institutional and regulatory frame work to boost indigenization of production of machinery and equipment for hydro power generation. Starting with small hydro plants, the right environment will enable local engineering industry to do power projects on EPC basis. This would lead to import substitution, cut capital costs, and reduce power generation costs.

Pioneers in plastic pipes Zaka Sons leading since 1950

on 03/04/2014

There has been tremendous growth in the industrial, commercial, government projects, housing sector and public amenities in Pakistan. This growth needs pipelines to convey water and sewerage for infrastructure development works and to protect telecommunication and electrical cables. Zaka Sons (Pak Arab) was formed with the aim of producing full range of Plastic pipes & Fittings to meet these needs. We are engaged in pipe industry since 1950. As we have great experience in this field, we understand users’ needs of pipes and fittings.

We believe that every user should have the right to buy products having following features: 1- Durability 2- Easy installation 3- Easy repair and maintenance 4- Economical price 5- Long life To fulfill above features, we introduced complete system of PVC pipes and fittings first time in Pakistan in 1998 according to American standard ASTM 1785 and D-2241 SDR series for drinking water and sewerage lines respectively. We started their production in 2003. At that time people was used to deal with GI (galvanized iron) pipe and fittings for drinking water lines and asbestos pipes and cast iron pipes for sewerage lines.

Because of their unique features, use of PVC pipes and fittings grew very fast during the last decade. Another milestone of Zaka Sons (Pak Arab) is production of CPVC (Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) pipes and fittings in year 2005. Our pipes could bear the flow of water up to 93° C, generally used for hot water supplies in industries where flow of acids takes place. Zaka Sons was then the only manufacturer in Pakistan manufacturing CPVC pipes and fittings. To cater the needs of very high pressure water lines able to deliver huge quantities of water, Zaka Sons (Pak Arab) launched PVC pipes of half inch dia to 24” diameter in 2008 according to British standard (BS-3505). These pipes replaced MS (Mild Steel) pipes which are difficult to install and repair and maintain.

Here flow of water may also be disturbed after some time because of rusting, corrosion and other issues. We are a trend setter in Pakistan. Our tremendous growth in PVC industry has motivated hundreds of other manufacturer to establish their factories all over Pakistan. And this initiative of Zaka Sons (Pak Arab) has increased employment level all over Pakistan. As we said we take initiative in many works as needed by customers. We have also started manufacturing of PE (Poly ethylene) pipes for huge water supply lines and we have capacity to manufacture pipes of 20 mm to 250 mm diameter. We are also working on production of large diameter PE corrugated pipes.

These will insha Allah be launched in 2014. We are also manufacturing pipes for chilled water supply and noise free pipes which will not allow external temperature to affect the internal temperature of water flow and also reduce the noise rising from the flow of water in sewerage system respectively. We are also working on a project of plasticizing irrigation canals. For this we will manufacture PVC sheets for irrigation system by which plenty of water will be saved from being absorbed by land during its flow. This unique project is one of the big projects of Zaka Sons. We have completed our feasibility report on this project, and will insha Allah start working on it in 2014.

Consultants & architects Many Pakistani consulting engineers and architects recommend our brand Pak Arab for their projects. The only reason for their priority is the confidence they have in our brand. We do not compromise in quality of our products. Quality of our end products is high because we use high quality raw material. One of the core raw materials – PVC resin – is purchased from Engro Polymer & Chemicals Ltd, the only manufacturer of PVC resin in Pakistan. For CPVC pipes and fittings we import CPVC compound. We have skilled labor and qualified staff as well as all imported machineries that add value to our brands.

The above facts prove our claim of being the market leader, trend setter and pioneers in plastic pipe industry in Pakistan. We believe that only quality of product is the base of success and we do not compromise in quality. That is why although, prices of our products are relatively higher than products of other brands, our sale graph is continuously moving upward. We will welcome any query from our honorable clients as well as all consulting engineers, architects and builders. And we request them all to always suggest quality Pak Arab products to their clients.