SBTi approves Pakistan Cables science-based emissions reduction target

on 29/11/2023

Pakistan Cables, the pioneer wires and cable manufacturer in Pakistan, has become the country’s first building material company to have its science-based emission reduction targets validated and approved by SBTi. The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets.
“We plan to drive sustainability by investing in continuous process improvement and cleaner energy to reach our targets by 2030,” said Fahd K. Chinoy, CEO at Pakistan Cables. “By setting science-based targets, Pakistan Cables is accelerating its efforts to align with ongoing global efforts to reduce global warming”.
The Company’s science-based emission reduction targets are part of its long-term vision to develop its net zero strategy and is actively working to establish long-term science-based net zero targets that are aligned with SBTi’s net zero criterion.
Earlier in 2021, Pakistan Cables became one of the 26 Pakistani companies and the only building materials company that signed the pledge for Business Ambition 1.5oC ahead of COP26. To date, the Company has planted 50,000 trees approximately at the Pakistan Cables Urban Forest situation in the Nooriabad factory, which is the country’s first and largest Miyawaki-based Urban Forest on an industrial estate.
Furthermore, Pakistan Cables has the 14001:2015 certification, which reinforces the Company’s commitment to ensure its products meet the highest environmental standards and mitigate environmental impacts.
Founded in 1953, Pakistan Cables is the premiere and most reputable wires and cable manufacturer in Pakistan. Being the only wires and cable manufacturer listed on the PSX since 1955, it has the largest geographical footprint in Pakistan with a presence in over 200 cities. It is also a member company of the Amir S. Chinoy group. It is ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018 certified, and various cable types tested by KEMA, Netherlands. The Company’s science-based emission reduction targets are validated and approved by SBTi. It is also a signatory of the UN Global Compact and net zero commitment.
The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets. The SBTi is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

Climate change disastrous health impacts appear in 70 countries

on 29/11/2023

Climate change has disastrous health impacts. As a medical humanitarian organization, Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is already seeing these impacts on the people we treat in over 70 countries around the world.
This year, powerful Cyclone Mocha hit Myanmar and Bangladesh and destroyed not only communities, but refugee camps. In years past, we have seen strong typhoons such as Haiyan in 2013, which laid waste to the central Philippines and caused widespread flooding in Indonesia which has submerged homes and destroyed properties.
But it is not just cyclones and super typhoons. July 2023 was recorded as the planet’s hottest month in 174 years, resulting in Canadian wildfires, major heatwaves in France, Spain, Germany, Poland and Italy, and marine heatwaves along coastlines from Florida to Australia.
In short, these weather events are happening all over the globe with greater frequency and impact. While these are the most obvious, climate change has other impacts on health, particularly on disease. MSF is responding to high levels of vector-borne, food-borne, and water-borne diseases in our projects which is worrying, as this is projected to increase as the climate crisis accelerates. It is predicted that there will be 15 million more cases of malaria yearly, with 30,000 deaths linked to that, in addition to what we are already seeing now. One billion more people are expected to be exposed to dengue, not only in Asia Pacific, where it is much more prevalent, but across the world. European Union officials recently warned that there is a growing risk of mosquito-borne viral diseases such as dengue and chikungunya in Europe due to climate change. We have seen cholera outbreaks in at least 30 countries. While this is due to multiple factors, climate change is most definitely one of them. Climate change is also linked to food insecurity and malnutrition. With extreme weather events such as heat waves and increased rainfall come droughts and floods that impact farming and fishing communities, affecting everything from the yield of crops grown, to the animals that till the soil, to the number of fish caught in nets. It does not end there. Other impacts of climate change include the spread of non-communicable diseases; forced displacement and migration; and the emergence of conflicts, among others. And all of these are expected to intensify over time –unless we take urgent action. Humanitarian organizations like MSF are already seeing these impacts and treating patients in the most vulnerable communities. But we can only do so much. We are seeing huge needs everywhere we go, from Asia Pacific to the Middle East, and the African nations. Countries with limited resources are enduring the worst of the devastation brought by the climate crisis. Our Rohingya patients in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh –who have endured decades of persecution and are already burdened by being contained in the world’s largest refugee camps –are repeatedly threatened by floodings and cyclones that come their way. Our patients in the island nation of Kiribati face climate and environmental changes that threaten their livelihoods and exacerbate their disease risks. We have been sounding the alarm. We see these huge needs brought about by the climate crisis, and we fear that these needs are outstripping our capacity to respond. We need the countries most responsible for this global warming of 1.2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels to help those who are most affected, to take responsibility, and to provide financial and technical support to those most vulnerable. Governments of the most affected countries, including in Asia Pacific, must not only compel the top polluters to help them mitigate and manage the impacts of climate change, but also put in place policies and affirmative climate actions in addressing and reversing the impact of these issues. Already we are seeing commitments from world leaders. At their recent meeting, Group of 20 nations have committed to a greener and more climate-resilient health system. ASEAN — which has five of the world’s 20 most at-risk countries located in the region—has announced an ambitious strategy to work toward carbon neutrality. The COP28 agenda in November has an increased focus on health, relief and disaster response. This is an important and critically urgent moment. These commitments are ambitious, but member states of these regional blocs must see them through and take real action. Today, we are dangerously off track and urgent action needs to be taken now. The climate crisis requires a whole-of-society approach. People and organizations must also understand that our own behaviors are a part of the problem. We need to respond together, in solidarity with all, for the health of all.

Why are engineers afraid of technologists?

on 29/11/2023

Engineers are more theoretical, analytical, and design-oriented while engineering technologists are more hands-on and applications-oriented.’ This is what Google tells you if one asks the search engine about the difference between the two lots. And also in Pakistan, neither engineers nor technologists possess any other definition.
Then why engineers in the country are averse to technologists and are adamant to herd them behind by creating a new register in the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for them and allocate few seats in the governing body for them?
The technologists are part of a separate stream around the world connected with the Sydney Accord as are the engineers streamed through the Washington Accord. Both accords are separate as well as knitted in the backdrop of the sphere of engineering and technology and thus developed separately with freedom but have made miracles together.
Neither the Washington Accord which as per its objective ‘is a multi-lateral agreement between agencies or bodies that are responsible for providing accreditation and recognition to undergraduate-level engineering qualifications’ nor the Sydney Accord that is specifically focused on academic programmes dealing with engineering technology are in clash with each other. Then why is that commotion in Pakistan?
Engineering Review’s exchange of views with a variety of engineers in and around the PEC unearthed a number of engineers who are in favour of registering technologists in the PEC while an equal number of their brethren are against it. The logics that both categories put forth are interesting as well as funny. For instance the proponents of registering technologists with the council say since they are the part and parcel of the sphere of engineering and technology, they cannot be separated. They work alongside with the engineers on all projects where engineers have lead roles like designing, planning and thinking and technologists work under them in the field. If they are registered with the council with a separate register and given some representation, we shall develop at the faster rate as a nation. They claim other developing countries follow such model. With adopting this way, they believe they shall be able to get rid of National Technologists Council (NTC) formed on PEC pattern and ultimately overshadowing the council. If they did not do it they shall get their Act passed from the parliament. Also, the technologists are sharp and faster, they have moved their proposal for the separate Service Structure and ultimately will get it approved from the parliament. In other words, they shall leave engineers behind. Therefore, they should be registered with the council so that they are ceased from overshadowing the engineers’ council. The exchange with this lot also brought to surface an interesting alleged move that some top leaders of the council have made commitments with the private universities for registering technologists with the council. And, the major objective is to rescue them of the losses due to depleting admissions in those institutions.
The protagonists react to this thought sharply saying since the role of engineering council and the engineer is clearly enshrined in the Act of the parliament and the decisions of the apex court of Pakistan, technologists cannot be made part of the council. They say registering technologists with the PEC no matter through a separate register and also giving them a specific representation in the government body would ultimately create for them a full status as the engineers enjoy in the council. The council would not be able to exist against a huge number of technologists and thus the objective of the council will come to an end.
Interestingly enough both groups want technologists to linger at the tail of engineers. The former, allowing them in as their minors, and the latter through keeping them at bay and frustrating their plans.
The proponents, some of them revealed to ER, had decided in a GB moot at Karachi this year to activate relevant forums of the council to discuss the issue before reaching any consensus but some high ranking employees of the council and leaders arbitrarily moved the document with the relevant ministry for registration of the technologists with the council. Upon discourse, the protagonists raised the issues in Quetta meeting of the GB of the council with force.
The most significant part of this ‘Engineers Vs Technologists Saga’ seems to have been built on fear factor—fear of losing control over decision making which in the countries like Pakistan has a huge stake. Because, how is it possible that the NTC would overshadow PEC and eventually become cause of death of the council in a country whose parliament passed PEC Act and same parliament would give a nod to the legislation on the cost of the council? Also, how would technologists be able to get separate service cadres in a country whose bureaucrats and also their aides in the engineering community care not to pay heed to engineers for the same demand?
The NTC a new body of technologists is young enough exhibiting spirit and naturally would look to be active and of course it is not a threat to engineers anyway. But a sloth lot of engineers may surely use technologists activity to further their vested interest.

MUET GOES GLOBAL: Role of Digital Twin in Industry 4.0 Prof. B.S Chowdhry attends 26th Strategic Workshop (SW’23), Dubrovnik Croatia

on 20/11/2023

Towards Advancement of Collaborative Technological Education: Role of Digital Twin in Industry 4.0 as an example was the title of the invited talk of Prof Bhawani Shankar
Chowdhry. In his presentation, he reviewed several collaborative projects and their outcome in terms of human resource development in emerging technologies. He mentioned that progressed manufacturing strategies are revolutionizing the industry and transforming the way products are designed, produced, and delivered.
With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution whereby creating a virtual replica connected to the physical asset, digital twins give smart manufacturers the real-time insights they need to make production decisions quickly.
Digital twin has become the basis for the planning, simulation, and validation of manufacturing processes from an early planning phase to the virtual commissioning of the production line as a pillar of Industry 4.0 in education and such practice has taken deep roots in the academia and industry of developed nations. The technology readiness level is such that there is going to be a huge gap in a recession-hit world where the modern world stands at one end of the continuum and the Next Eleven nations are struggling at the other end.
In addition, he discussed the recently approved EU CBHE proposal “Capacity Building in the Teaching of AR/VR (CATCH-VR)”. To achieve innovative aspects in developing a workforce of students and teachers for strengthening the capacity in the teaching and application of AR/VR technology through training, seminars, conferences, and a graduate degree program that will especially benefit countries like Pakistan and third-world countries to overcome the challenges of 4th industrial revolution for less developed nations are the objectives of CATCH-VR. Pakistan is a developing country and has been going through an economic crunch for a long time that has deeply affected developmental projects. The country’s prosperity is based on skill development through basic education, aided by industrial development. As mentioned earlier, Virtual Reality (VR) has been used by developed countries all over the world in their education systems and industries as an alternative way to make educational and industrial systems more sustainable. Pakistan is a developing country and has been going through an economic crunch for a long time that has deeply affected developmental projects. The country’s prosperity is based on skill development through basic education, aided by industrial development. As mentioned earlier, Virtual Reality (VR) has been used by developed countries all over the world in their education systems and industries as an alternative way to make educational and industrial systems more sustainable.
Professor Chowdhry also chaired the panel discussion “Future Global Strategies & Project Proposal Discussions”. Prof Peter Lindgren mentioned challenges especially Startups and Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) – when it comes to designing, reengineering, developing, implementing, measuring, and comprehending which Circular and Sustainable Business Model (CSBM) to choose and operate. He talked about the transition towards a circular economy which will have not only have great environmental impact but also a major economic and social impact.
Gaining a thorough and better understanding of the parameters of this new framework and the interrelationships between Business Models holds significant value in achieving conceptual clarity within what CSBM archetype and strategy to choose and how advanced technology can support this evolvement. He emphasized the need to establish business model centers in Asin universities particularly India and Pakistan for identifying and solving the local issues.
Prof Fang Chang Kuo discussed about Signature-Based Random Access Procedure for 5G Massive Machine-Type Communications, he mentioned that his Institute of Information Industry closely works with industry in several research areas. He also discussed collaborative programs such as the joint masters (1+1) program.
Finally, it was concluded that we may have one meeting either at MFU Thailand or UAE to carry out a signing ceremony of CGC with two universities in Pakistan and one university in UAE. In addition, partner universities will prepare proposals to participate in forthcoming CBHE calls in the diversified areas of food security, Wind power condition monitoring, and water-related problems to be solved by applying advanced ICT/IOT-based technologies.

Variants of Electrospray Ionization

on 20/11/2023

Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry or, less frequently, electrospray mass spectrometry are the two names for ESI-based mass spectrometry.
ESI is referred to as a “soft ionization” approach because there is hardly any fragmentation. Although the molecular ion (or more precisely, a pseudo molecular ion) is almost always detected, this can be helpful because very little structural information can be gleaned from the straightforward mass spectrum. Electrospray is used to disperse the liquid containing the target analytes into a fine aerosol. The usual solvents for electrospray ionization are made by combining water with volatile organic molecules since the ion production requires considerable solvent evaporation (e.g. methanol acetonitrile). Compounds that improve conductivity, such as acetic acid, are typically added to the solution to reduce the initial droplet size. Additionally, these species serve as a source of protons to speed up the ionization process. In addition to the high temperature of the ESI source, large-flow electrosprays can benefit from the nebulization of a heated inert gas like nitrogen or carbon dioxide.
The ions detected by mass spectrometry may be quasimolecular ions, which are denoted [M + H]+ when a hydrogen cation is added, [M + Na]+ when a sodium ion is added, or [M H] when a hydrogen nucleus is removed. Multiple-charged ions, such [M + nH]n+, are frequently seen. Numerous charge states can exist in massive macromolecules, creating a distinctive charge state envelope.
Because of the significantly smaller initial droplets created by the electrosprays when they are operated at low flow rates, ionization efficiency is increased. Significant sensitivity gains could be achieved with lower flow rates, as low as 200 nL/min, according to a 1993 study by Gale and Richard D. Smith. Two research teams came up with the term micro-electrospray (microspray) in 1994 to describe electrosprays that operate at low flow rates. Emmett and Caprioli showed that operating the electrospray at 300–800 nL/min resulted in increased performance for HPLC–MS analyses. Wilm and Mann showed that an electrospray at the tip of emitters made by drawing glass capillaries to a few micrometres may be sustained at a capillary flow of less than 25 nL/min.
In a two-step procedure called laser-based electrospray-based ambient ionization, material from a sample is desorbed or ablated using a pulsed laser, and then a plume of that material interacts with an electrospray to produce ions. The sample substance is deposited on a target close to the electrospray for ambient ionization. Material from the sample is ejected from the surface and into the electrospray, which creates highly charged ions, when the laser desorbs or ablates it. These include laser ablation electrospray ionization, matrix-assisted laser desorption electrospray ionization, and electrospray laser desorption ionization. The study of noncovalent gas phase interactions also makes use of electrospray ionization. It is believed that noncovalent compounds from the liquid phase can be transferred into the gas phase using the electrospray method without affecting the non-covalent interaction. When analyzing ligand substrate complexes by ESI-MS or nanoESI-MS, issues such non-specific interactions have been found. Investigating the relationships between enzymes and medications that function as their inhibitors is a fascinating example of this. ESI has been employed in competition experiments between STAT6 and inhibitors to screen for potential novel medication candidates. Smaller droplets are produced and only a few microliters of a sample are consumed during nano-electrospray ionization. The reduced electrospray droplet size made it possible to perform successful desolvation and ion production at low flow rates, which was a specific advantage of operating at low pressure.