NED set to address local challenges for technology-driven climate actions

on 02/11/2023

NED University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan and University of West of Scotland, UK announced working jointly to develop technological solutions for monitoring and predictions related to climate change in Pakistan.
The project emerged from “Going Global Partnership PAK-UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership for Faculty” supported by the British Council and Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. The mobility partnership enabled the researchers from both participating universities to visit each other to strengthen their research collaboration in the area of climate change.
The researchers from NED University and the University of West of Scotland (UWS) informed the participants that they are working on developing specialized Internet of Things (IoT) based sensors for monitoring climate changes and collecting the data for forecasting and predictions of potential anomalies. They have already launched a joint dashboard to collectively monitor the climate data coming through the sensor nodes placed at NED University and UWS. The focal person from NED University said that climate monitoring through digital sensors is a relatively cost-effective solution and scalable to micro and macro levels. Moreover, it enables us to develop specialized sensors to meet the requirements of any application. Currently, the research team from NED and UWS is working on expanding their sensor network to collect data from different locations. The focal person from UWS mentioned the importance of availability of accurate data to properly address the challenges associated with climate change. As Pakistan has been severely affected by climate change, data-driven policies and practices need to be adopted to minimize the impact.
In addition to the research and development activities, the team is thriving for active stakeholder engagement to address this important issue. The focal person from NED University says that strong collaborations are essential to properly address this important issue. All stakeholders from industry, academia, research organizations, professional bodies, and policymakers should join hands to identify and actively tackle the local challenges in this area. We have initiated several activities to increase stakeholder involvement and to create public awareness of the issue. These activities include arranging an international conference on Technology Driven Climate Actions at NED University, arranging a symposium on Digital Connectivity & Innovation for Sustainable Futures at UWS, arranging several technical talks, workshops, and trainings both in UK and Pakistan, arranging focus group meetings with academic fraternity, industry professionals, government, and professional bodies.
One such meeting was arranged in collaboration with the Institute of Engineers Pakistan (IEP) in its Karachi office on 23rd October 2023. The meeting was attended by the executive committee of IEP, the research team from NED University, researchers from UWS, industrial collaborators from the UK, and representatives from local industry including the representatives from Pakistan petroleum Limited (PPL), Engro, K-Electric, Ashrae, Pakistan Plumbing Association etc. The focus of the meeting was to discuss strategies for effective collaboration and bridging the gap between industry and academia to foster the research culture for societal impact. Trust-building between different stakeholders is essential to combining expertise from different areas to identify the challenges faced by the local industry. Implementation of policies related to data security and privacy will be essential to sustain such collaborations. During the meeting it was decided to start with micro-level solutions and gradually scale up to macro level. — PR

Construction Solutions Resources brings Global Network of SSJL to Pakistan

on 02/11/2023

Key players in Pakistan’s construction industry gathered to witness the introduction of the NMB Splice Sleeve System, a groundbreaking technology set to reshape the country’s approach to construction projects.
The Construction Solutions Resources (CSR) launching event, held at Pearl Continental on Oct 25, 2023, featured esteemed speakers and experts who shed light on the NMB system’s transformative potential.
AJ Atsohiro Ishikawa, the Executive Vice President at NMB Splice Sleeve North America, attended the event on behalf of NMB Splice System Manufacturers. He said that The NMB Splice Sleeve System, originating from Japan, has earned international acclaim for its excellence and efficiency. It offers seismic resistance and fatigue performance, making it a game-changer in the construction landscape.
The event kicked off with a warm welcome emphasizing the importance of innovation and adaptation in a constantly evolving economic landscape. The need for such innovation was underscored by Dr. Sarosh Lodi, the Vice Chancellor of NEDUET, a renowned figure in civil engineering and seismic resilience. He encouraged the product and endorsed compliance of the technology as the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) approved the Building Code of Pakistan – 2021.
The success story of the NMB Splice Sleeve System implementation in Pakistan was shared by the team responsible for the Rafi Cricket Stadium in Bahria Town, Karachi. During the presentation, Ahsan Nadeem, who was serving as the senior structural engineer and design consultant at Mushtaq & Bilal at the time, demonstrated the real-world application of this system in Pakistan. He emphasized that this technology has successfully revolutionized construction practices in regions with similar economic and geographical conditions.
Paragon Constructors, known for its exemplary track record in commercial property development, project management, and civil engineering, also shared their experience of working with NMB Splice System in Rafi Stadium Project. Mr. Shahzad Noor, the project manager of Rafi Stadium, discussed how the NMB Splice Sleeve System was employed in the Rafi Stadium project and its potential in the local construction industry.
Aftab Siddiqui, Chairman of Paragon Constructors, provided a unique contractor’s perspective. He spoke about the challenges and opportunities that come with adopting this innovative technology. He further recognized the efforts of Mr. Amir ul Islam, CEO of Construction Solutions Resources (CSR), for his unwavering commitment to bringing the NMB Splice Sleeve System to Pakistan. Amir shared his insights, experiences, and vision for this groundbreaking technology based on his 35 years of experience of use in the United States, regarding the adaptation as critical to pave the way for timely, scheduled and seismic-resistant construction projects in Pakistan. Mr. Amir emphasized that the introduction of SSJL’s global network played a central role in this event. SSJL, a renowned manufacturer, is recognized worldwide for its innovative construction solutions. This collaboration brings the excellence of Japanese technology to Pakistan, where the NMB Splice Sleeve System is set to make a profound impact on the local construction industry.

Senior engineers vet Engr. Syed Abdul Qadir Shah for PEC elections

on 02/11/2023

A select gathering was organized by Engr. Shahnawaz Nahiyoon to honor Engr. Syed Abdul Qadir Shah, Chairman of the National Engineers Association (NEA).
The event brought together engineers from various fields, including CEOs, Chief Engineers, GMs, and directors from public and private organizations. The purpose of the gathering was to acknowledge the contributions of Engr. Syed Abdul Qadir Shah and discuss the work of the NEA.
The meeting included Engr. Syed Abdul Qadir Shah, Chairman, National Engineers Association, Engr. Shahnawaz Nahiyoon – the organizer of the event, Engr. Abdul Rehman Shaikh, General Secretary, NEA, Engr. Mohsin Ail Khan, Engr. A. Majid Malik, Engr. Abid Shah Bukhari, Engr. Cap. Waqar Hussain and others.
Syed Abdul Qadir Shah briefed the moot on activities of National Engineers Association (NEA). He highlighted the association’s goals, achievements, and ongoing initiatives aimed for promoting the engineering profession in the country.
One of the focal points of the gathering was to make a comparative analysis of the performance of the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) during different tenures.
Participants shared their perspectives and experiences related to the PEC’s functioning and appreciated the work carried out under the chairmanship of Engr. Syed Abdul Qadir Shah. His efforts were commended for the advancement of the engineering sector.
Some participants requested him to contest for the office of Chairman of the council in the upcoming election.
Also, They highlighted his track record, commitment, and vision for the engineering community, expressing their belief that his continued involvement would further strengthen the PEC’s role and effectiveness.


on 02/11/2023

Almost twenty five years ago, it was a cool December morning! The winter had just started in Karachi and the people had gathered after the prayers around the prayer leader. He was delivering his short speech which he had been doing since many years! He recited the following verse
36:82 Yaseen
“Whenever He (God) wills a thing, He just commands it “Be” and it is”.
But then he quickly added that: Yet God doesn’t do things often in this fashion! He takes time! He created heaven and the earth and all that is within in six days! He revealed 6236 holy verses in twenty three years bit by it; verse by verse; chapter by chapter; occasion by occasion!
He follows this because He loves to PLAN and then DO according to the PLAN ! He is the BEST PLANNER!
One of the wisest Muslim rulers said “For your worldly affairs, construct your plans based on the assumption that you will live forever, and as for the life after death, create your programs based on the belief that you will die tomorrow.”
It is thus inappropriate to do a haphazard job and assume that God will straighten out the mess because “He is kind,” and you are a “good man.” No, the plan of every successful man demonstrates the extent of physical work, talent, leadership, and vision that they exercise in all their undertakings.
Salesmen are the movers and shakers of the world! They discover needs and then the translates them into realities! Planning for them is of utmost importance!
Many salespeople are like Christopher Columbus! When Columbus left seeking a route to India, he didn’t know where he was going; when he reached America, he didn’t know where he had reached and when he returned to Spain, he didn’t know where he had been!
Similarly many salespeople set off in the morning with only a vague idea of where they are going. When they arrive at the customer’s place, they don’t know what exactly has brought them there. And when they arrive back at the office, they are not sure where they have been or what they have accomplished. Columbus was very lucky; most salespeople are not quite so.
Top salespeople are different. They think through their sales calls in advance. They go over what they are going to say mentally before they get face-to-face with the prospect. They practice “mental rehearsal,” a peak-performance technique used by all top athletes. A professional athlete always warms up before going onto the field. By the same token, professional salespeople warm up as well by mentally rehearsing so that they can perform at their very best when they get face-to-face with their customer.
In the next session, we will discuss why CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS succeeded even without a plan!

The SBTi approves Pakistan Cables science-based emissions reduction target

on 02/11/2023

Pakistan Cables, the pioneer wire and cable manufacturer in Pakistan, has become the country’s first building material company to have its science-based emission reduction targets validated and approved by SBTi. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets.
“We plan to drive sustainability by investing in continuous process improvement and cleaner energy to reach our targets by 2030,” said Fahd K. Chinoy, CEO at Pakistan Cables. “By setting science-based targets, Pakistan Cables is accelerating its efforts to align with ongoing global efforts to reduce global warming”.
The Company’s science-based emission reduction targets are part of its long-term vision to develop its net zero strategy and is actively working to establish long-term science-based net zero targets that are aligned with SBTi’s net zero criterion.
Earlier in 2021, Pakistan Cables became one of the 26 Pakistani companies and the only building materials company that signed the pledge for Business Ambition 1.5oC ahead of COP26. To date, the Company has planted approximately 50,000 trees at the Pakistan Cables Urban Forest location in Nooriabad factory, which is the country’s first and largest Miyawaki based Urban Forest on an industrial estate.
Furthermore, Pakistan Cables has the 14001:2015 certification, which reinforces the Company’s commitment to ensure its products meet the highest environmental standards and mitigate environmental impacts.
Founded in 1953, Pakistan Cables is the premier and most reputable cable manufacturer in Pakistan. Being the only wire and cable manufacturer listed on the PSX since 1955, it is also a member company of the Amir S. Chinoy group. The Company has the largest geographical footprint in Pakistan with a presence in over 200 cities. It is ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001: 2015 certified and various types of cables are tested by KEMA, Netherlands.
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets. The SBTi is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).