150 Megawatt
waste-to-Energy project in Karachi

on 03/02/2023

The Sindh government has signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) with the world’s reputed energy companies, says Energy Department communication.
Sindh Minister for Energy Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh while addressing a ceremony held in Karachi for signing LoI for the 150 Megawatt waste-to-Energy project in Karachi said: It is a milestone in the history of Pakistan.
Advisor to CM Sindh for Law and Administrator KMC Barrister Murtaza Wahab, Dutch ambassador in Pakistan, Consul General of USA in Karachi, Consul General of UAE in Karachi, besides representatives of world’s reputed energy companies and Secretary Local government Sindh Najam Ahmed Shah, Secretary Energy Sindh Mr.Abu Bakar Madni and others were also present.
LoI was signed by Imtiaz Shah Director of Alternate Energy on behalf of the Sindh Energy Department with representatives of five companies such as M/s Khan renewable Pvt Ltd, M/s Babcocks, and Wilcox renewable, M/s China Machinery Engineering Corporation, M/s Green Waste Energy Pvt Ltd and M/s Engro Energy Pvt Ltd.
Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh said that Sindh Govt has crossed another milestone and this project can produce 150 Megawatts of energy daily from garbage, collected from the metropolis.
He said that this project will not only help to clean the metropolis from garbage but it will also help to fulfill our energy requirements.
He said that this unique waste-to-energy project has been pitched according to the vision of PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and this project will also be expanded to other cities of the province in the future.
‘Sindh Govt will provide land for the project at the landfill site in the city’, he said.
Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh said that an approximate investment of 600 million US dollars is expected in this project and about 6 to 8 thousand tons of waste will be consumed daily for the production of 150 Megawatt energy through this project.

1st ICMAS 2022 at
Mehran SZAB Campus Khairpur

on 03/02/2023

Department of Basic Science and Related Studies, MUET, SZAB Campus, Khairpur Mir’s in collaboration with Sindh Higher Education Commission arranged a 3-day 1st International Conference on Mathematics and Applied Science (ICMAS).
Hybrid conference sessions were held at MUET, SZAB Campus, Sukkur IBA, and Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur. The inaugural session was held at the Main Auditorium of MUET, SZAB Campus chaired by Dr. Raheem Bux Bhatti, Director, Pir Abdul Qadir Shah Institute of Medical Sciences, Gambat while Engr. Abdul Qadir Shah, former chairman PEC, Prof. Dr. Tauha Hussain Ali, VC, MUET, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam Uqaili, former VC, MUET, Prof. Dr. Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto, VC, SALU, Khairpur, Prof. Dr. Raza Ali Bhatti, VC, Shaikh Ayaz University, Shikarpur, Prof. Dr. Noor Ahmed Shaikh, VC, The Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University of Technology and Skills Development Khairpur Mir’s, Prof. Dr. Abdul Sami Qureshi, Pro-Vice Chancellor, MUET, SZAB Campus, Khairpur, Prof. Dr. Hyder Abbas Musavi, Director Academics, MUET, SZAB Campus, Prof. Dr. Rafique Ahmed Memon, Conference Chair and Dr. Mazhar Hussain Lund, Conference Secretary were guests of honor. Keynote speakers and scholars from the USA, Denmark, China, and Saudi Arabia participated physically and virtually as well. More than 100 national scholars presented their papers during 2 days of technical sessions and more than 600 participants attended the conference.
The closing ceremony of the conference was chaired by Mr. Qaim Ali Shah Jeelani, former Chief Minister, Sindh while Prof. Dr. Tauha Hussain Ali, VC, MUET, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam Uqaili, former VC, MUET joined the ceremony virtually, and Prof. Dr. Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto, VC, SALU, Khairpur, Engr. Ghulam Sarwar Kandhir, former PVC, MUET, SZAB Campus, Khairpur, Prof. Dr. Abdul Sami Qureshi, Pro-Vice Chancellor, MUET, SZAB Campus, Khairpur, Prof. Dr. Hyder Abbas Musavi, Director Academics, MUET, SZAB Campus, Prof. Dr. Rafique Ahmed Memon, Conference Chair and Dr. Mazhar Hussain Lund, Conference Secretary were guests of honor. Appreciation shields, participation certificates, and awards were distributed by the distinguished chief guests.
Dr. Muhammad Ali Abro, Convener of technical sessions of the conference presented the conference report and gave the following conference recommendations.
It was concluded that in order to attain sustainable development, the developing world including Pakistan needs to assign Mathematics and Applied Science a top priority
Mathematics should be taught through Concept Motivation and Action Learning action at all levels of mathematics education.
Researchers and Students require both cognitive and practical experiences throughout the continua of their mathematics education to be productive for 21st-century citizens.
Place greater emphasis on contextualized math instructions at all grade levels and in all mathematics courses.
Make a shift in emphasis on the assessments that students must take.
Increase the focus on topics, approaches, and pedagogy that better reflect the demands of the contemporary workplace in all mathematics courses.
Augment the current mathematics-for-all curriculum and assessment framework by establishing a separate rigorous pathway from the traditional trajectory, based on solving real-world problems representative of those that students may encounter after they leave school.
Create a Needed Math Center charged with expanding the reach of the Conference findings to additional stakeholders by holding follow-on conferences on relevant topics and publishing articles aimed at a wide variety of audiences including policymakers at the state and federal levels.
The problem is complex, and the solutions to it are correspondingly varied, but the basic recommendation from the Conference is that the mathematics standards, assessments, and curriculum be revisited and revised so as to place greater emphasis on the skills needed to solve the kinds of problems that arise in the real world. Although the Conference participants represented only STEM fields, several of them noted that the kind of mathematical skills useful in those areas – eg., mathematical modeling, statistical reasoning, and systems thinking – are valuable in many other career paths.
Finally, as a matter of fact, in the developed economies, academia should be taken on board in the government decision-making process as a think tank. The R&D centers in various varsities across the country should be established and with due capacity building should be tasked to undertake research on indigenous issues to suggest indigenous solutions for the sustainable development of Pakistan. — PR

Annual Excellence Awards Ceremony at MUET, Jamshoro

on 03/02/2023

IEEEP Local Centre Hyderabad held its annual Excellence Awards Ceremony at Mehran University Jamshoro. Dr. Suhail Aftab Qureshi Central President, IEEEP was the Chief Guest. Engr. Salis Usman, Honorary Secretary General IEEEP and the country’s leading expert on IGCEP also delivered a presentation on the subject which was largely appreciated.
Earlier condolence reference was held in memory of late engineers Engr. Maqbool Ahmed Khawaja, Engr. Habibullah Khilji, Engr. Abdul Rafay Khan, Engr. Malik Memon, Engr. Muzaffar Sheikh and Engr. Mohib Raza Sial. Fateha for the departed soul was led by Engr. Muhammad Sharif Ansari Ex- Provincial Minister.
In token of memory of the condolence reference, memorial shields were presented to the family representatives of passed-away legends.
To pay homage and tribute to late Engr. Prof. A A Qureshi, one of the pioneers of Sindh University Engineering College Jamshoro and the first Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. It was decided that the IEEEP Local Centre Library may be named AA Qureshi Memorial Library.
A large number of Engineers from HESCO, NTDC, PTCL, MUET, and QUEST attended the event. Prominent among the participants were Engr. Abdul Rehman Shaikh Member GOB PEC, Engr. Wazir Hussian Shaikh GM PTCL, Engr. Farhan Wali GM PTCL, Engr. Tanveer Ahmed Shaikh, Engr. Asadullah Qureshi from FFC Wind Power, Engr. Muhammad Danis Ayub from FFC Wind Power, Engr. Irfan Karim Liaison Officer HESCO, Engr. Prof. Dr. Faheemullah Shaikh Associate Professor MUET, Engr. Prof. Dr. Mukhtiar Mahar, Engr. Irfan Ahmed Member BOD HESCO, Engr. Prof. Dr. Faisal Karim Telecommunication MUET.
42 Engineers from MUET, QUEST, HESCO, NTDC, PTCL, GENCO-I, and Wind Power Projects were awarded the prestigious Excellence Awards.
Engr. Prof. Dr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry Vice Chairman IEEEP Local Centre in his welcome address paid glowing tribute to Engr. Prof. Dr. M A Uqaili Chairman, IEEEP Local Centre for his unflinching support and initiatives to establish the Local Centre office in Mehran University and for his continued guidance to hold regular events like meetings, Seminars, Launching of books, and Condolence References. He warmly welcomed the President, IEEEP, and Honorary Secretary General to take their timeout and specially come to Mehran University to participate in the event and meet the members of IEEEP Local Centre and Engineers.
Engr. Prof. Dr. M.A Uquaili Chairman, IEEEP Local Centre In his Presidential Address welcomed the participants and thanked Engr. Prof. Dr. Suhail Aftab Qureshi President IEEEP and Engr. Salis Usman Secretary General IEEEP to grace the occasion as Chief Guest and Guest Speaker respectively. He said that the EEEP Local Center is doing everything possible to support the institution by holding regular meetings, raising membership, and arranging seminars.
He expressed that in the developed world these institutions are developing design, standards, and specifications and they give solutions of different problems encountered by the professionals in the field.
He invited HESCO, NTDC, PTCL, GENCOs, SEPCO, and Wind Power Projects to extend their support and to actively participate in the activities of the IEEEP Local Centre. He also recalled the memory of passed away Engineers for whom condolence reference was held. He also lauded the holding of the CPD Workshop by Engr. Salis Usman.
Engr. Dr. Prof. Suhail Aftab Qureshi President, IEEEP in his speech lauded the efforts of Engr. Prof. Dr. M A Uqaili, Engr. Prof. Dr. BS Chowdhry and Engr. Prof. Dr. Abdul Sattar Larik in their noble campaign to raise the level of Local Centre to reach a formidable position.
He informed the members that apart from technical activities IEEEP’s main effective role is to foster unity and brotherhood amongst the engineers from all over the country. He also appreciated Engr. Salis Usman Honorary Secretary General to conduct the very informative workshop on “Reshaping the Generation Mix of Pakistan- Indicative Generation Capacity Expansion Plan” (IGCEP). He also appreciated the institutionalization of the Annual Excellence Awards. He extended every possible support to Local Centre Hyderabad on behalf of the IEEEP Central Council.
Engr. Noor Ahmed Soomro CEO HESCO and Engr. Syed Tanveer Ahmed Jafri CEO GENCO-I, the Guests of Honor, and Engr. Abdul Rehman Shaikh Member of GoB PEC also spoke on the occasion.
Engr. Prof. Dr. Tauha Hussain Ali Vice Chancellor MUET was the Honored Guest for the closing ceremony.
Engr. Prof. Dr. Tauha Hussain Ali Vice Chancellor Mehran University of Engineering and Technology distributed the shields and excellence awards certificate to the guests and other engineers. He appreciated the efforts of the IEEEP Local Centre to hold such purposeful events and hoped that the IEEEP Local Centre will continue to organize these events which will go a long way to promote the cause of the profession.
In the end Prof. Dr. Abdul Sattar Larik General Secretary IEEEP Local Centre Hyderabad paid vote of thanks to Engr. Prof. Dr. MA Uqaili, Engr. Prof. Dr. Tauha Hussain Ali, Engr. Prof. Dr. BS Chowdhry, Engr. Prof. Dr. Suhail Aftab Qureshi President IEEEP and Engr. Salis Usman Secretary General IEEEP, and other distinguished guests for their patronage and support, which made the event successful.

What engineers expect from new govt

on 03/02/2023

Notwithstanding affiliations, the political change in Islamabad means a lot for engineers and their majority across Pakistan seems to have attached expectations from the new government led by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif.
There are three major reasons which lead engineers to believe that there would be a kind of improvement in the engineering industry and the issues concerning the engineering community in Pakistan.
On top is the appointment of the premier whose track record viz-a-viz development in Punjab speaks volumes about his success. He leads development initiatives and possesses credibility in the eyes of donors and governments across the world. Thus the engineers hope the development activity would get impetus in the country and in return the engineers will have more employment opportunities.
But more important is the fact that the engineering institutions and thus the engineers will have a much bigger advantage in terms of access to the people in corridors of power. It will facilitate the process to bring in light the major issues of engineers and industry in Pakistan.
The second reason will be Ahsan Iqbal as head of Planning and Development. Iqbal, an engineer by education has been part of the whole range of engineering activity in Pakistan and his role in Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) and other institutions is no secret. Interestingly enough, the issue of the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) which has created a lot of rumpus between engineers through PEC and contractors led by Arshad Dad is now on his table.
Lastly, since Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) is the coalition partner in the government, Engr. Mukhtiar Shaikh and Engr Qadir Shah leading National Engineers—the coalition partners of PEC Chairman Najeeb Haroon—will have better access too. It is likely that all three groups such as National Engineers, Engr. Najeeb Haroon and the Engineers Pakistan led by former PEC Chairman Engr. Jawed Salim may coordinate on issues concerning engineers and industry in the country.
There are several issues that need to be taken seriously. For instance, the new government should attach priority to the engineering industry for import substitution and this has to be reflected at the policy level.
PEC and other engineering institutions have a huge role in this respect and they are supposed to play it in real terms through their inputs and active lobbying and advocacy initiatives.
Engineering departments in the center and provincial governments need to be led by engineers, not by bureaucrats. The engineering community has to make efforts to convince the governments as they may have a conducive atmosphere for its supporters in the new government.Also, the issues relating to service structure for engineers and employment for fresh engineers should be pursued, as they were part of the manifestos of all engineering groups which contest PEC elections.n

MG Motors Pakistan ready to start local production

on 03/02/2023

The British High Commissioner to Pakistan, Dr. Christian Turner visited the MG JW Automobile Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd facility in Lahore. He said the future is electric and it will help reduce carbon emissions.
The High Commissioner had a detailed interaction with the company’s management and visited the state-of-the-art MG assembly plant, and got to test drive the all-electric Marvel R and HS PHEV.
Congratulating the company, Turner said: It is a wonderful showcase of the British Automotive Brand in Pakistan. The future is electric and MG will be cutting down carbon emissions with electric vehicles for cleaner and greener Pakistan.”
Last year, the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, Nong Rong had also visited the setup and had a very positive sentiment for the plant.
MG Motor Pakistan has delivered more than 10,000 vehicles, launched 7 state-of-the-art dealerships with MG Care Centres, and introduced world-class latest models in Pakistan, setting the tone for the whole industry. MG vehicles are one of the most advanced, equipped, and safe vehicles on Pakistani roads and are considered a standard in their respective categories.
MG with its British legacy has always been a brand of ingenuity and innovation. The brand entered the Pakistani market under the flag of SAIC Motor International, primarily launching in the luxury category. The first HS CKD variant line-off was held on 28th May 2021 and after successful testing and trials, is ready to launch locally assembled, world-class vehicles in the country.
MG envisions a cleaner and technologically advanced future for Pakistan. The dream is to make Pakistan a part of the global supply chain and soon be able to export Pakistan-made MG vehicles across the globe. As the company is ready to start local production and very soon, vehicles “Made in Pakistan”, will be dominating the roads worldwide. LAHORE: ERMD