Difference of opinion on numerous issues apart, the governing body (GB) of Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) finally demonstrated unanimously in its latest moot holding its spirit high to come up to the expectations of the engineering community and the industry as a whole.
This expression has resulted in the council’s effort to woo a major portion of contractors to remain under its umbrella so that the construction industry is developed on modern lines and also the council is able to retain its regulatory role in the country.
With the active support of constructors, the moot reached a consensus that the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) should be set up under the umbrella of the council.
The meeting mandated Engr Najeeb Haroon, the Chairman PEC to present the case with the Planning Ministry which the contractors wished should be their parent department after their break up with the council.
PEC has already allocated Rs.200 million for CIDB, no matter the issue is yet to be settled in the forthcoming meeting of the council with relevant ministries such as P&D and MoS&T.
Despite GB’s consensus as regards board under the council and eventual pursuance of constructors at large, some PEC officials claim some known contractors continue to be obstinate. They still want contractors to be stripped of the council.
But still, many of PEC’s elected members believe the ice has melted to a great extent and it is resulted by a realization on the part of a large number of contractors.
The contractors’ community has many issues with the council and of which some are justified, a GB member says. “But the issue aggravated by the conduct of council in previous tenures because the attitude of the council towards them was not encompassing.”
Now that the contractors have been got in touch with and also they have realized that breaking away from the council may not bring any benefits, they have softened their stand.
Apart from the factors which have caused a change, the development of the construction industry as per many experts does not depend on contractors only. Keeping contractors under the thumb of bureaucracy would do no good and instead making endeavors with help of the council makes sense.
Recent signals from the council have surely brought some relief for the engineers across Pakistan that the council is more likely to live and work for the betterment of the engineering community in the country.
Also, it will transmit signals to Engr. Haroon’s opponents who reacted sharply to the possible establishment of CIDB out of the ambit of PEC that the interest of engineers and the council is being safeguarded.
Engr Haroon is said to be in touch with his predecessors including Engr Jawed Salim Qureshi whose strategy had worked, at least until his tenure, to stop efforts of stripping contractors of the council.n