Solutions Engineering donates BIPAP machines to healthcare institute

on 25/01/2023

Solutions Engineering (Pvt) Ltd, a private sector company has donated 5 sets of BIPAP machines (model: BP 30 manufactured by Hunan Beyond Medical Technology China.) to Shalimar Institute of Health.
Solutions says it is putting its endeavor into every National Nobel Cause and will continue to play its moral, ethical and practical role.
We have seen tremendous and remarkable efforts in the Healthcare system and found Shalimar Institute of Health leading upfront, the company says.
Pandemic Covid 19 was and is a major challenge for the healthcare system in Pakistan.
In the background, the company has made this donation.
It merits mentioning that Solutions has already donated 800 units of BIPAP to many healthcare institutions in Pakistan through NDMA. ‘Our team is competent enough to train paramedical staff for the operation