Universal Overseas Agency: Gadgets leading to escape routes

Working since 1963, Universal Overseas Agency (Pvt.) Ltd has transformed to be a mature hand on the systems like sound system, voice verification system and public safety system.

Mohammad Irfan Khan says they have introduced the emergency light system. In case of the fire incident, we should have some kind of a gadget which leads to escape routes. We are exhibiting such products and giving awareness to the people of the system. Many companies are working on such systems in Pakistan. There must be emergency lighting system to clear fire escape route. We are promoting monitored lights with dependable batteries. To ensure uninterrupted system, we are providing central battery emergency system which is a new technology in Pakistan. We are one of the distributors.

Media is a great source to spread awareness in the people who are now responding as regards security. Now, they understand the significance of fire and emergency systems and using various applications.

Many big companies are coming forwards for acquiring such systems and we appeal to the governments also that they should make security systems compulsory for buildings. The builder should get such a certificate for completion of fire security system before opening the building.

Wasif suggests we should learn from expos in Dubai. We should give knowledge to the people who visit the event so that when they leave they must take knowledge with them not only brochure etc.

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