Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah presided over a meeting to assess the damage caused to city roads by the heavy rainfall in 2024. He approved Rs1.5 billion for repairs and directed the Local Government Department to initiate an inquiry into the roads that were constructed or repaired after 2022, which have since been washed away.
“It is unacceptable for the quality of work to fall short of standards, and strict action must be taken against those responsible,” the Chief Minister stated, emphasizing the need for accountability in the construction and maintenance of public infrastructure.
The meeting, held at the CM House, was attended by Minister for Planning and Development Nasir Shah, Minister for Local Government Saeed Ghani, Mayor of Karachi Murtaza Wahab, Chief Secretary Asif Hyder Shah, Chairman of Planning and Development Najam Shah, Secretary for Local Government Khalid Hyder Shah, Secretary for Municipal Corporation Karachi Afzal Zaidi, and Special Secretary for Finance Asghar Memon.
The Chief Minister directed Minister Saeed Ghani to initiate an inquiry into the roads constructed or repaired after 2022 that have since been damaged. “This indicates that the quality of work was not maintained, and those responsible must be held accountable,” he said.
Mayor Murtaza Wahab informed the Chief Minister that 17,861,500 square feet of roads were damaged during the 2024 rainfall. The damage breakdown is as follows: District South—909,500 square feet, East—795,000 square feet, Central—832,000 square feet, West—13,750,000 square feet, Korangi—5,555,000 square feet, Malir—625,000 square feet, and 395,000 square feet of flyovers and bridges.
The Chief Minister was informed that 120 roads, flyovers, and underpasses in the city require patchwork. This includes 20 roads in District South, 22 in East, seven in Central, 38 in West, 11 in Korangi, 12 in Malir, and 10 flyovers.
He noted that approximately Rs1.5 billion is required to repair and reconstruct the damaged roads, bridges, and flyovers, which he approved with directives to ensure quality work.
Mayor Murtaza Wahab also informed the Chief Minister that under the CLICK program, six major projects will be initiated, including the construction of a flyover at the railway line on Khalid Bin Waleed Road in District Malir, the construction of Mehrunnisa Hospital Road leading to Nasir Jump in Ibrahim Hyderi, rehabilitation of the road from Bab-e-Khyber to Sector-4 in Orangi, construction of a road and drainage system from Khawaja Ajmer Nagri Roundabout to Manghopir via Dadex Factory in North Karachi, construction of Captain Kamal Sher Khan Shaheed Football Stadium and Sports Complex in District West, and construction of Shahzad Football Stadium in Malir.
In a separate meeting, Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah identified that 219 roads, totaling 3,545.39 km, in the Hyderabad Division and 178 roads, totaling 124.81 km, in the Sukkur Division, have been damaged by floods. He directed the Water and Sanitation Department to estimate the damages and begin repair works.
This meeting was also held at the CM House and attended by Minister for Planning and Development Nasir Shah, Minister for Works Haji Ali Hassan Zardari, Chief Secretary Asif Hyder Shah, Chairman of Planning and Development Najam Shah, Secretary of Finance Fayaz Jatoi, Secretary of Works Mohammad Ali Khoso, and other concerned officials.