Why technical training institutes have failed to provide skilled professionals?

Obviously lack of Quality Education and increasing gap between Technical Institutes and Industries are the main reasons.  Infinity School of Engineering (ISE) is the first and only Technical Training Institute that is owned by a group of industries, which is Ravi-Infinity Group. ISE is committed to abridge the existing gap between Technical Training Institutes and Industries by providing on job trainings to individual learner in Ravi-Infinity Group as well as in consortium industries. ISE is  providing not only Knowledge in classrooms, but also the Technical Skills in modern equipped labs and professional attitude to individual learner through life skill sessions. ISE is striving to convert the Technical Education Systems according to the international quality education standards to cope with the international requirements. With the passion of improving the quality of vocational education, ISE started working on ISO 29990 which provides high level of quality and internationally recognized standards in vocational or non-formal education. For the development of ISO 29990, ISE joined hands with PUM, which is a Netherlands based organization of world’s senior  experts. Mr. Paul Schouten from PUM visited ISE for developing the Standard 

Operating Procedures (SOP’s) according to the norms of ISO 29990 in December 2016 for three weeks. After that the management of ISE worked for four months to develop a solid management structure under the guidelines of ISO 29990.Mr. Paul Schouten visited ISE again in April 2017 for two weeks and Quality Enhancement Cell of ISE presented its management system to him, for getting confidence before implementation. In near future, ISE will be ISO 29990 certified after its implementation and will become pioneer for ISO 29990 in Pakistan. www.infinity.edu.pk

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