5th International Multi-Topic ICT conference Held at MUET

Continuing the tradition at the Education Hub of Pakistan – Jamshoro, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET),  organized International Multi Topic  ICT Conference 2018.

(IMTIC ’18)  was organized with Technical Collaboration and support of  Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (IEC) MUET, IEEE Inc USA Karachi Section, Erasmus Mundus LEADER (Leading Mobility between Europe and Asia in Developing Engineering Education and ReSearch), Erasmus Plus CAPRIO (University of Malaga, Spain), and  Centre for Telecommunication Infrastructure (CTIF) GLOBAL CAPSULE, Future Technologies for Business Ecosystem Innovation ( FT4BI ), Aarhus University, Denmark.

Prof BS Chowdhry, the chief organizer of the event told the conference that IMTIC mission had completed its history spread over a decade.

The 1st International Multi-Topic ICT Conference which began its voyage in 2008 in collaboration with Aalborg Univ Denmark is now a history. He said: IMTIC gave us Chance to avail EU Erasmus Mundus Programs “Mobility for Life”, Strong Ties, INTACT, LEADERS, CAPRIO, Erasmus Plus ICM. More than 200 UG, Masters and PhD students, faculty /staff members availed fully funded exchange visits from 1 month to 3 years.

It offered us to publish our Conference Proceedings in Springer CCIS series; to organize collaborative conferences in other countries such as Spain, Ireland, Denmark, and Nepal. “I am very happy to have a huge participation in IMTIC over the last decade. Its more than 30 International speakers  from USA, UK, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Malaysia, China, Canada, Germany, Cyprus, Romania, UAE, Qatar delivered keynote, more than 70 Invited speakers from  various universities within country shared their research work and Chaired Technical sessions and more than 30 national and International  Tutorials organized during IMTIC, UG students and PG students participation in Poster session encouraging them how to embark upon research work and PhD symposium. It is yet another aspect of IMTIC value addition.” T

he goal of the PhD Symposium is to provide a supportive atmosphere for PhD students to present and receive feedback on their ongoing work. Students at different stages in their research get an opportunity to present and discuss their problem statements, goals, methods and results. IMTIC has also resulted in carrying out joint PhD supervision.

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