Engineering Review signs MOU with Hannover Messe Sodeks Fuarcilik A.S. Turkey
ISK-SODEX is an International exhibition for HVAC&R products like pumps, valves, fittings, processes such as fire prevention..
ISK-SODEX is an International exhibition for HVAC&R products like pumps, valves, fittings, processes such as fire prevention..
CJ Water Conference’ calls for ensuring water rights in Pakistan. International Symposium on `Creating a water-secure Pakistan`
Bloodhound Supersonic car is a British supersonic land automobile currently under modification.Its goal is to match or exceed 1,000 miles per hour.
NEPRA-The federal government and the power regulator have ordered separate probes into electricity breakdowns in Karachi and adjoining areas on Oct 2.
Sindh demands to follow water accord for distribution! Pakistan is likely to face a shortage of 38 per cent water for Rabi season.