Human resource the biggest issue of Balochistan
Consultant of HEC Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Asghar has said lack of human resource is the biggest issue of the country especially in Balochistan,
Consultant of HEC Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Asghar has said lack of human resource is the biggest issue of the country especially in Balochistan,
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A good news! Pakistan is contemplating to revive and thus upgrade Pakistan Locomotives Factory at Risalpur to modernize railway infrastructure.
سائیں ! کیا وجہ ہے کہ چین اتنی ترقی کر گیا اور ہم اتنا پیچھے رہ گئے؟
سائیں نے ایک لفظ میں جواب دے دیا
میں سمجھا نہیں۔ میں نے سائیں سے کہا
The Perception and Investment Survey of OICCI has found that near about three quarters foreign investors foresee continued growth in their businesses and plan to make further investments in Pakistan.