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Engineering Review, first published in October 1975, is Pakistan’s foremost newspaper covering – through reports and articles – events and subjects that are of professional and commercial interest to engineers in government offices, consulting firms, contractors, industry and academia. Subjects of interest for architects and town planners too are covered.

Engineering Review has to its credit some reports which gave the leading national dailies much food to chew and do follow up reports.

It enjoys the full confidence of its readers and those who place their advertisements. It is not for nothing that ER is amongst those publications of Pakistan which pull the most adverts – all from very satisfied customers, business houses and industry, because it serves their needs better than any competitor and invariably more cost effectively than any daily paper.

1000MW biomass power

Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif has said that besides traditional methods, government is also trying to generate power through non-traditional sources. […]

Nespak’s acting MD

Engr. Amjad A. Khan, Senior VP has taken over the charge of Acting Managing Director NESPAK. A civil engineer, he

Kar-Lhr motorway okayed

PM Nawaz Sharif has approved constructing a 3+3 lane motorway between Karachi and Hyderabad. He has also okayed motorway projects

UIT show on Aug 21

Usman Institute of Technology (UIT) is holding Final Year Projects’ Exhibition and Job Fair Spring 2013, on Wednesday August 21

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