Italian engineering university invites Prof. Dr. B.S Chowdhry to conduct Ph.D. examinations

on 04/09/2018

Politecnico di Milano Italian, highly ranked Engineering University invited Prof. Dr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry (Distinguished National Professor) to evaluate Ph.D. thesis in Nanotechnology and Advance Integrated optics.

During his visit, he visited advance research centers (clean room) and laboratories (optics and photonic lab) in Politecnico di Milano. He also initiated collaboration with Photonic Devices Group of Politecnico, which will help to advance and boost the research and development activities in optical communication in Pakistan.

It is a proud moment specifically for MUET and in general, for Pakistan that Professor from developing country was invited in a developed country to conduct a Ph.D. defense examination. It is heartening to note that Professor Chowdhry also conducted Ph.D. examinations in Denmark, Ireland, and Malaysia in the past.